Reactions given by resto

  • resto
    resto reacted Friendly to Scarlett7297's post in the thread Mental illness.
    My mother's delusional disorder flared up yesterday and she fought with my dad again , days after we thought everything is back to...
  • resto
    resto reacted Friendly to JackiAsi205's post in the thread Age crisis.
    So I just graduated high school and I’m turning 18 soon, im kinda having a crisis. Whenever someone says there’s a young adults group im...
  • resto
    I wanna know, has anyone else ever felt suicidal? I mean , divorce, 5 children, no job, zero friends, zero money, zero self...
  • resto
    resto reacted Friendly to Philip1777's post in the thread My dad, my grandmother.
    I am unable to give short testimonies, so I apologize in advance for the length of this testimony. My dad was a WW2 vet that fought on...