Reactions received by Rufus

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?. you're pulling a PT: When you come across a passage that militates against your version of the gospel, you just "cull" it out...
  • homwardbound
    homwardbound reacted Like to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    And only then because He graciously gave you ears to hear. If only people could see that all of Christ's miracles involving physical...
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    And only then because He graciously gave you ears to hear. If only people could see that all of Christ's miracles involving physical...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread Does anyone know of.....
    Look up the Law of Identity, Mr. Wanna-be-Expert on logic. Then compare that to Jer 13:23. Man is evil to the core. There is no...
  • P
    But God cannot lie, so he cannot contradict himself either. Therefore, "all" must be understood in the limited sense. There's not one...
  • homwardbound
    homwardbound reacted Winner to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    What AMAZES me is that God would choose to save a wretched worm like myself. The only thing I see as very special in God's salvation is...
  • P
    Look up the definition of "essence".
  • P
    So, in your universe someone who keeps God's laws perfectly, as you and Neh6 have claimed, are morally imperfect human beings? What...
  • P
    You mean he's EVIL?
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    And...sin is the Natural Man's slave master!
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Friendly to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    These people who think this way believe God thinks like they do. And even worse that sinful, finite mortal beings have a mortal lock on...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    Nope. Dead men have no ability to function spiritually. Life precedes Faith. This is how man is made willing in the DAY of GOD'S POWER.
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    And...sin is the Natural Man's slave master!
  • Rosemaryx
    Rosemaryx reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    Nope. Dead men have no ability to function spiritually. Life precedes Faith. This is how man is made willing in the DAY of GOD'S POWER.
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    But Justice has already been served on behalf of all God's elect at the Cross of Christ, so God is free to have mercy and compassion on...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Funny to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    C' happens all the time. Any self-respecting mortician will tell you that. Dead people will themselves back to life all the...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    So what precedes what: His mercy and compassion precedes faith and redemption or does faith precede mercy and faith? If the latter...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    PT has previously twisted Mat 11:27 so out of shape, the verse no longer says what it does. He didn't care for the fact that Jesus gets...
  • P
    PaulThomson reacted Like to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    You're a great projectionist. You still haven't responded to my questions about Jn 1:13 and 3:8. And you haven't responded to my...
  • P
    PaulThomson reacted Like to Rufus's post in the thread What Changed?.
    So God is just like us mere mortals? You believe he's a mixture of good and evil? He has human passions, too? I have long maintained...