Reactions given by S94NY

  • S
    S94NY reacted Like to MissingLove's post in the thread Divorce?.
    I don’t take it likely...if I did I would have left a long time ago. I’ve been unhappy for years. While I appreciate and respect your...
  • S
    S94NY reacted Like to blue_ladybug's post in the thread Triggers.
    Welcome to CC. :) This is the Introductions forum. Your OP is better suited for the Family forum.. I can ask a mod to move it there for...
  • S
    S94NY reacted Like to your post in the thread Triggers.
    HI S94NY! First off Welcome to CC! OHHHHHHH I feel like I'm reading something from myself! Thanks for sharing the book info, I'm...
  • S
    S94NY reacted Like to calibob's post in the thread Triggers.
    Fortunately my kid are in their 30's now but I can remember when they were young, rebellious and testing new boundaries. While I was a...
  • S
    S94NY reacted Like to your post in the thread Triggers.
    Or an answer to prayer........ I got my hands on the book and there are a lot of answers in it that I've been looking for for years...