Our battle is not against flesh and blood, But against demonic powers. This is my story and how Satan used his power against me. I want to show how something that is made to look harmless can open the door to a life and death struggle. Satan studies each one of us and tries to find away for us to give him legal right to oppress us. When fighting against the enemy it is important to put faith behind your words. Without faith it is impossible to please GOD. and I hope that my story shows this.
I went to church at an early age. At the age of 15 is when I was baptized. I was told by my mentor at the church that after I was baptized. The Lord would reveal his plan for my life. I waited all church service and nothing happened. So after church I went out into the parking lot and asked God what his plan was I only heard deathly silence. So I told him you were not there for me I will not be there for you. I continued to pray for 2 years. after that I prayed just in case there was a God. I started hanging out with people who did not know the Lord and my life got darker.
In the Bible 2 corinthians 6:14 says:
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers:
for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with
When my life hit bottom that is when I finely cried out to the Lord from my heart. I told him I could not go on the way things were. He brought someone into my life that stood by me and caught me when ever I was willing to let him. Despite that fact I did not give my heart to Jesus until 10 years later. What led up to me giving my heart to Jesus was the most terrifying thing I had ever gone through. I did pray to God at this time and even with that answered prayer 10 years before , I was not sure he was there.
So in October 2004 around Halloween I was watching Tv when a show came on about speaking to the dead. This program went through why they believed ghost were real and how to contact them. Then they showed some of the photos they had taken. I did not believe it, but thought it would be fun to try. So armed with the information from the show . I went to the cemetery and tried it out. I did it at night the first time. I was only there for a little wile the first time with my children. I feel real bad about that now , but at the time I did not know any better. I only herd one voice the first night. It sounded like a small girl. She said bring me, what did you bring me. So the next day I bought a flower and looked for a small girl's grave in the area. When I found one 10ft from where we were the
night before I decided it was her.
At first the Spirits came to me disguised as children. Then things started to change one day at the cemetery a spirit said get out of here, get out of here do not walk by me again. So after that I never brought my children again. I did this once with the neighbor who believed in ghost. After a while I could do it in my house., I got scratches, I could feel them around me. I saw visions. One day they told me they were black demons. So I went on the enter net to find out what that ment. I opened the website and it said, If you have reached this web site your soul has been taken. I went to my preacher and told him what was going on.He did not understand about demons it was as if he thought I had a different problem. So I called my sister and told her everything. They looked up black demons on the internet but never could find the site I went to. My sister took me to a man named David who was a member of the Church of the Nazarene. He helped me realize how to fight the dark spirits that were working in my life. These Spirits made my body shake uncontrollably, but by the power of the holy Spirit I stopped shaking. He gave me a book about Spiritual warfare, Called From darkness to light--demonic oppression and the Christian.
I read the book everyday, I just was not getting better. When the demons put their thoughts in my mind. It caused confusion, uncertainty, and fear. My anxiety got so bad after not eating for three days, I had a panic attack. There were 2 voices in my head. One said get in your car and go to the hospital. The other said, If you try to drive to the hospital you will die. I had visions of my car hitting a telephone pole. I thought I will die if I stay home because I could not breath and I will die if I drive to the hospital, but this is the way I am to get to the hospital. I called my husband to tell him I was dying. He called 911, the ambulance came there as I was trying to leave in my car. One of the
EMTs talked about God with me.then he told me to repeat what he said. I can't remember what prayer he led me through, but I will always be thankful.
After that I spent 9 days in the hospital. One day at the Hospital there was a girl when ever she came near me, I heard a voice in my head say go to your room. Then I found out that she tried to hit the people at the table I was sitting at. Another time this girl was running around the outer room. She went to hit someone, but before she could a lady spoke to her in the power of the Holy Spirit and she fell to the ground and could not get up for about 5 minutes.Those two events showed me God's power and protection. It gave me the faith I needed in GOD to claim victory for myself.
After the hospital I would use the warfare prayers in the book Darkness to Light and they started working. At this time I was listening to praise music, watching Christian Television, I was also reading the Bible and praying. I found this helped the most, reading stories were Jesus healed others. I stood on the Bible verses Greater is he who is in me the he who is in the world, God has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind, and Jesus healed all who came to him.
Some say I was crazy and some say God saved me. I can a test to the fact God is mightier then Satan. It was because of GOD's power, mercy and grace that I am here today. I owe everything to God who has a plan for my life. So look for GOD with your whole heart and he will be found. I will always praise him for what he has done for me. Blessed be your name Lord Jesus!
What I have learned, We have an enemy who is a liar and the father of lies. He transforms himself to look innocent, But he comes for nothing but to kill, still and destroy. Our heavenly Father has given us all we need to fight with. His blood poured out at calvary, His word and the promises in it. Whatever is going on in your lifefind a promise and stand on it. It may take time it took 5 months for me. GOD said you are an overcomer, Now trust him.
If Jesus commanded us to do something He wil equip us to accomplish it. If we make our own inability a stumbling block or an excuse not to be obedient, it means that we are telling God that there is something which He has not yet taken into account. Our own self-reliance must be put to death by the power of God. The moment we recognize our complete weakness and our dependence upon Him will be the very moment that the Spirit of God will exhibit His power.Oswald Chambers