Reactions given by Silverwings

  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread widowed.
    I know how hard it is to lose your spouse, especially at and early age. The sense of loss was overwhelming for me but God steered me to...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to bondservant's post in the thread widowed.
    Thank you for understanding, I know how you feel about pets, I don't know what I would do without my dog, which is another blessing...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to MartinL65's post in the thread widowed.
    Dear bondservant, I was very touched by your post, in particular by what you wrote about missing your best friend, about the small...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to bondservant's post in the thread widowed.
    Your words are a great comfort...and thank you so much for your understanding and prayers. God bless you!
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to your post in the thread widowed.
    When our hearts hurts God is near...when we are week He is strong...when we cry out to our Lord he feels our pain...but know joy comes...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to Blain's post in the thread widowed.
    I am so sorry for what you are going through I have never lost a spouse but I know that what you are going through must be so hard. Just...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to Solemateleft's post in the thread widowed.
    Greetings Brother, my condolences for your loss and emptiness. I will pray for our lord to bless you and show you the way to find...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to Stunnedbygrace's post in the thread widowed.
    I'm sorry for your loss brother. You know where she is so take comfort in that. You will see her again. That doesn't prevent grief but...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to bondservant's post in the thread widowed.
    Thank you...its a strange mix of feelings I have, joyful that I know she is with our Lord and Savior and extreme sadness that she is not...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to bondservant's post in the thread widowed.
    Thank you for your prayers and condolences. CC has been a blessing to me and everone has been caring, loving and supportive. It is...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to bondservant's post in the thread widowed.
    Its hard for me to imagine what you are going through losing your husband to the world. Keep the faith, Jesus loves you and He is our...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread widowed.
    Thank you. My wife, JesusLives is a gift from God and a tremendous blessing.
  • Silverwings
    What a fantastic ad!!!
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread Why?.
    Call it formulaic all you want. Tons that I love and tons that have a great message!
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread Why?.
    I don't know how any Christian can't love this song:
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to PennEd's post in the thread Why?.
    Romans 8:28 Baby! No better message than that!
  • Silverwings
    I had to send my little doggie Binky to his heavenly reward being a great companion, but was feeling bad about the circumstances that...
  • Silverwings
    "Lord Jesus, give her the passion and Your own Spirit of Love and Wisdom to speak to her grandfather in words that will be heard. Help...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to your post in the thread How old is too old to spark?.
    Many spank with a wrong motive and out of anger, rather than in a calm knowledgable way. I was never spanked as a child, the only...
  • Silverwings
    Silverwings reacted Like to your post in the thread Hi! I’m Kelly from Ohio.
    Wow ITrustGod i love you nic...welcome to Christian Chat ......May God lead you and direct you in all His ways by His hand through His...