Recent content by SimpleMan

  1. S

    Did Cain marry his sister after being kicked out?

    To first answer the question of this thread. I'm not sure what all the pretext was for, or how it relates, but yes Cain married his sister and that is not uncommon in early history - even Abram married his half-sister Sarai - a practice later in time forbidden in scripture. Now to the quote...
  2. S

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    A couple of folks on here have come close to saying this but quite a few have focused on the law as a means to reveal sin and while that truly does do that, I believe it distorts the picture with that as a primary focus. Instead the law is the righteous requirement of a holy God and yes, no one...
  3. S

    The Gospel First Mentioned In The Bible

    Though not a direct proclamation perhaps just a little foreshadowing of the Gospel is even earlier when God says let us make man in our image. There is no salvation without the complete and solitary work on God on our behalf. Also, as Adam is caused to fall into a deep sleep, Eve is made a new...
  4. S

    Who were the sons of God?

    I beg your pardon...typo Ex 4:22 Hos. 11:1 does what many passages of prophecy do which is move on two levels - a relevant portion for the generation hearing it and forward focused aspect. In the context of our conversation I am focused on the former and its pointing back to Ex 4:22 as Israel...
  5. S

    Who were the sons of God?

    And Israel as a nation is referred to as a son of God... in Exodus 4:2 and Hosea 11:1 I think at time we can get really wrapped up in some of these minutia of terms from a legalistic point of view. Let us all agree that first, this is solely determined by God and He defines who He calls his...
  6. S

    In The Beginning

    Well as far as whether it is obvious or as it relates to my "extensive" knowledge - I will always argue my extreme ignorance and novice understanding of all that God has to say, hoping all the while I might have confidence to say what scripture says and the humility to be corrected by what...
  7. S

    In The Beginning

    I suppose I bristle a bit at the language you keep using that seems to indicate a complete adherence to laws to receive blessings. It is undoubtedly what God demands and Christ fulfills perfectly but it is not the experience of the Israelites as recorded in God's Word. In fact, they continually...
  8. S

    In The Beginning

    So as it pertains to this thread...A quick elaboration of this. Yes I see Genesis 1 establishing the environmental context of God's purposes concerning us. Time is one of those contexts and it has dominion now but not forever. In one very real sense you could substitute death in for time...
  9. S

    In The Beginning

    I'd love to have you elaborate on what you mean by these highlighted phrases. Perhaps you could start a new thread where you could expound on this. I'd hate to sidetrack this thread. Let me know.
  10. S

    In The Beginning

    Thank you for the welcome. I've not heard the term shingle before but from your context I'm guessing you're referencing a college degree. I do have a postgrad degree but not in this area at all. While there have been many over the years that have written about time, most of those writings have...
  11. S

    In The Beginning

    Hi. I'm new here. Thought I would add some of my own philosophical thoughts to the discussion as it relates to the purpose of time in Genesis 1. I firmly believe that God has not done anything by accident and that his creations are not incidental but rather all aspects of his creation serve a...