Recent content by Slimsumo

  1. Slimsumo

    Is Open Theism Heresy?

    These are the proof texts used. In contrast there are a lot of verses that state very specific things involving the wills of man that Jesus predicted. For example Peter denying Him thrice before the cock crows.
  2. Slimsumo

    Is Open Theism Heresy?

    I would say it is not. Its simply a different way of making sense of the tension between free will and predestination. The biblical authors provide no commentary on the subject which has caused people to view this subject in a different light. Open theism would be one extreme and calvinism...
  3. Slimsumo

    The conversion of the Philippian Jailer in Acts 16.

    John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.
  4. Slimsumo

    Can We Really Exercise Free Will?

    I think these verses would be helpful to answer the question: Acts 16:14 A God-fearing woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, was listening. The Lord opened her heart to respond to what Paul was saying. Acts 11:18 And when they heard these things, they held...
  5. Slimsumo

    Can We Really Exercise Free Will?

    Moral choices are not something that saves, we are saved by grace. Once we are saved, we should make the correct moral choices of course. (Ephesians 2:10)
  6. Slimsumo

    Can We Really Exercise Free Will?

    We need to define what free will is, some have said "If I can't choose to fly, I have no free will" which is a mistake because that is not what the philosophical idea of free will is. The idea of free will simply means being able to do otherwise, to make moral choices. Does this type of free...
  7. Slimsumo

    Will the beast rule the entire earth, one world government?

    Now we know the area of the beast kingdom. In Revelation 13, the beast from the sea has Leopard, Lion, Bear These are the previous kingdoms that it has trampled upon. Here is the map of the kingdoms, and what trampled them.
  8. Slimsumo

    Will different views on the end times cause one to go to hell?

    I would argue it does not matter when it comes to salvation. The only thing that people say all the time is "what if the pre-trib is wrong???" and they try to make it sounds like all the pre-tribbers would just give up their faith if it turns out they are in the midst of the worst time in human...
  9. Slimsumo

    Testing gift of prophecy on christianchat.

    You gotta really stretch the meaning and eisegete the text to make the verse say "Until the Bible canon is completed" No one reading the Bible would come to that conclusion *unless* you have preconceived ideas you want to insert and read into the text.
  10. Slimsumo

    Testing gift of prophecy on christianchat.

    Strangely enough, there are reformed people who believe in the continuation of the gifts, such as Sam Storms
  11. Slimsumo

    Testing gift of prophecy on christianchat.

    The idea that the gifts ceased in the 1st century is a very new one. Even all the commentaries from the not-so early church agree with us. They agree: the gifts cease when the Lord returns.
  12. Slimsumo

    Mark 16:17-16:20 The witnesses are not doing it.

    I agree with you that both extremes are terrible. You have some abusing or fraudulent gifts going on with people pretending to be a dog peeing and claiming they are under the Holy Spirit's control... Thats just horrible. On the flip side you have people that are spiritually dead as dust...
  13. Slimsumo

    Mark 16:17-16:20 The witnesses are not doing it.

    The point I was trying to make is: Why wouldn't there be a need to confirm the message today? People believe all sorts of books on faith, the quran and the book of mormon. If someone came up to me and told me to repent and believe the gospel and all I had was what some guy told me about what...
  14. Slimsumo

    Mark 16:17-16:20 The witnesses are not doing it.

    How would the people in 2024 be convinced of the apostle's miracles? I can read of miracles done by voodoo priests, should I become a voodoo practicioner? Of course not.
  15. Slimsumo

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    Very interesting take. You are saying the beast will be a literal demon from the abyss in the form of a man?