Reactions received by Smoke

  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Some things can be reasonably contested. Some things can't be contested, yet, one group will still try. That is why being objective is...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Ask him directly. If he answers and says Hamas was "defending themselves" on Oct 7th, then I fear he is extremely lost. It's the same...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    You realize you skated around my question? lol I asked if there is a reasonable doubt that Truman ordered the use of the nuclear...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Of course Hamas wouldn't have listened. You're missing the point, and by a lot. The point of Israel warning Palestinians (not Hamas) to...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    "It's called war..." said you and the Hamas terrorist who murdered innocent Israeli civilians. Sorry, war doesn't permit the...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Why even quote my response if you aren't going to actually respond to it substantively? I am trying to understand what and why you're...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    So the Japanese nationalists not surrendering after the first nuclear attack makes it morally acceptable to obliterate more Japanese...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I appreciate your friendly response. When I put myself in Palestinian's position and the terrorists Hamas immediately murdered people at...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Could you send me a list of any you think Israel is guilty of? You can ask why I care what you think. I like to read your posts as I...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Of course this is deliberate... It's deliberate indiscriminate bombing when you know your bombs will end more civilian lives than...
  • reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I'm not sure why you think Israel doesn't have allies because they aren't putting boots on the ground. I support Israel putting boots on...
  • reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Absolutely true. It gives Satan another weapon to seduce man and to continue the vicious killing cycle.
  • reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    You're right. The method in which Hamas terrorists killed innocent Israeli civilians is different in that it is far more barbaric...
  • reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I appreciate your boldness and honesty in how you really feel about how Israel should eradicate Hamas while disposing Palestinian...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    So airstriking and bombing Gaza into further oblivion knowing you will kill more civilians than Hamas terrorists is evidence and/or...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I'm reminded of a woman who told me that the unborn child that was aborted from a raped victim was just "collateral damage". Maybe I'm...
  • Moses_Young
    This thread should be deleted. You're taking the analogy out of context. Extremely disingenuous. I didn't compare "the war between...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Why not just pray that Israel ends their apartheid and stops indiscriminately bombing and killing more Palestinian civilians than Hamas...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    This is the same Ultra Orthodox Rabbi I have been talking about in this thread. The irony, many people will probably say this Jewish...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I didn't say people can or can't be against their own race. Of course they can. This Rabbi isn't being antisemitic towards the Jews...