Reactions received by Smoke

  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Funny to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    CNN is wanting us to trust their opinion instead of our lying eyes. I find it fascinating that the media has to run their video footage...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I also wanted to add, I think it's impossible to come to a two-state solution with Netanyahu as PM. Remove Hamas, remove Netanyahu...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Funny to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Joe Biden: Israel, be careful not to make the same mistakes the US made in it's response to 9/11. Also Joe Biden: Here, take our tax...
  • PennEd
    PennEd reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Sadly, the average American would have a difficult time telling you the 3 branches of government. I don't think they knew about 90% of...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Winner to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    It's true that two things can be true. Hamas is a terroristic group that does things typical of a terrorist. It's also true that Israel...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Sadly, the average American would have a difficult time telling you the 3 branches of government. I don't think they knew about 90% of...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    That list seems very accurate about Hamas. I will go a step further and say I would rather be under Israeli rule than Hamas rule. Very...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    You should call those people out by name who have stated using civilians as human-shields is not a war crime. Who believes it's not a...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    You sort of explained some of it already. The terrorists (Hamas) try to prevent civilians from leaving. If reports are true, Hamas has...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I will be honest and say I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. I really do try to understand people's points though. I'm not sure who...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Agreed, Hamas attempts to create sympathy for themselves knowing Israel will still blow the children up in their pursuit of being...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    It's a circular argument at this point. As for the histrionics, do you have any examples of this? Is making the factual statement that...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Sounds fair to me. Many might be scared leaving it to Japan to make a determination because of what the US did to them during WWII...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Winner to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I understand what you're saying. I repeat it to continue hammering the point. Some might say it's an "emotional" tactic, but it's really...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Unless I'm mistaken, I think Japan, today, is more anti-war and more pro-self defense. I would love to know their opinion on blowing up...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    This is the key dispute. This is the conversation we need to have. Some people agree, some people disagree. As long as we are on the...
  • G
    Gideon300 reacted Disagree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I have been scratching my head about it as well. People suddenly using the same news sources that they have been repeating as fake news...
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Dislike to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Some people deny or are unaware of what happened in 1948. The crazy thing is that there are people (Jewish and Palestinian) alive today...
  • ZNP
    ZNP reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread The US Joins WW3.
    Don't worry... Biden with threaten to put them in timeout after saying "Don't!" a few times.
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Winner to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    It's because I have studied history that I disagree with you.