Reactions received by Smoke

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Disagree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Israeli Arabs arrested over Gaza social media posts ''The post that attracted police attention was an image of the Palestinian flag...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Winner to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I have been scratching my head about it as well. People suddenly using the same news sources that they have been repeating as fake news...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Yeah agreed. The parents and nearly 50% of the population need to arm themselves with rocks and eradicate Hamas from Gaza all while...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I read this this morning. If this is true, this provides further motive for why Israel has stated they weren't going for precision...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Winner to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    If your logic states that fewer people killed is always better no matter what, would you see it as morally sound for all 8 billion...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Some people deny or are unaware of what happened in 1948. The crazy thing is that there are people (Jewish and Palestinian) alive today...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Winner to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    It's because I have studied history that I disagree with you.
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    That was the long version to say "Nevermind, it's not 'always more moral to preserve more, not less life.'" So in essence, it's a silly...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Winner to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    So major "news" agencies (including CC's new favorite CNN) are suspected of knowing of the attack prior to Oct 7th and they were all...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Putting in qualifiers and then saying "it's always more moral.." means it's true even if there aren't qualifiers. In any event, it's...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Israeli Arabs arrested over Gaza social media posts ''The post that attracted police attention was an image of the Palestinian flag...
  • N
    Needevidence reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I read this this morning. If this is true, this provides further motive for why Israel has stated they weren't going for precision...
  • N
    Needevidence reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Israeli Arabs arrested over Gaza social media posts ''The post that attracted police attention was an image of the Palestinian flag...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    That was the long version to say "Nevermind, it's not 'always more moral to preserve more, not less life.'" So in essence, it's a silly...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    If your logic states that fewer people killed is always better no matter what, would you see it as morally sound for all 8 billion...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Winner to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Some people deny or are unaware of what happened in 1948. The crazy thing is that there are people (Jewish and Palestinian) alive today...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Agree to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Unless I'm mistaken, I think Japan, today, is more anti-war and more pro-self defense. I would love to know their opinion on blowing up...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    They are certainly doing that. Degrade (blow up) thousands of children while "targeting" Hamas is two birds with one stone: First Bird...
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Friendly to Smoke's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I can't fully deny being cynical when it comes to governments and war. I've shamefully admitted to voting for George Bush in 2004. I...