Reactions given by Solemateleft

  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to mailmandan's post in the thread Who will Win.
    It just infuriates me to no end to think about how these liberal politicians want to turn America into a God-less, borderless, socialist...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Not. Giving. Up!!! They cheated and need to go to jail for the rest of their lives.
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    this is what the mainstream media is doing to the truth...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Nehemiah6's post in the thread Who will Win.
    That should be INCARCERATION, not inauguration. But quite obviously you would love to see a treasonous criminal (who also has serious...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to BenjaminN's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Republican Mellissa Carone (Dominion whistle blower) on John Poulos (Dominion CEO): "We need a revote"
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    I scanned through the info provided, overwhelming evidence and compelling. Reasons Why I Believe Joe Biden Won't Be Inaugurated On Jan...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Now THIS is what Americans want to hear....yes President Trump. Bring it on home!
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to your post in the thread Who will Win.
    Just throwing out there another reason to be praying Joe and Kammy don't gain office... This is from a Catholic POV but I still agree...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    More Like, Ignore People That Deny There Was Criminal Election Fraud Ignore People That Deny Boxes Were Pulled Out From Under Tables In...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Moses_Young's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Not everyone who thinks the election was rigged are Trump supporters. By this stage, anyone who doesn't realise the US election was...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Former Wisconsin Judge: ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    The issue presently at hand is as follows: Will the rights of all Americans be better preserved by taking decisive action now? Because...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    I find it astonishing that people on this thread are continually making themselves victims of the trolls here. They get nothing from me...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    As of now I have to tell you that I believe that victory is going to depend upon who has the most resolve and sheer guts. Trump should...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    42000 people voted twice in AZ The Legislature should be up in arms about this. And I mean literally up in arms...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Rep. Matt Gaetz Announces That He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes I would think there will be MANY more to come...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    WHO: 'From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual.'...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    I just flushed you into the ignore septic tank. I'm informing you to do you a favor so you don't waste your breath on me. I will never...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    This sets it up for a rejection of electors, and a vote in the house where Republicans control 30/20 on the vote