Reactions given by Solemateleft

  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to your post in the thread Who will Win.
    Still thinking about the Trump's 30,000 lies statement. It boggles the mind to even begin to know how the other side lies their ears...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Yup basically that's the way I see it. The real truth is just too devastating to handle for most people. We are talking extensive...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump The United States had more votes than it had people voting, by a lot. This travesty cannot be allowed...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to your post in the thread Who will Win.
    Well whether or not you grace us with your presence, I'm just going to post this one time then for everyone. The pathological liars are...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    We better hope that Pence is behind him. I actually wish I were in Penses shoes. I would wreck the hopes and dreams of the election...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    The real bad guys in all of this are the Governors, SoS and election boards. Corrupt feckless clueless idiots. And in my opinion guilty...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Its apparent you want to disregard blatant election fraud, in the Hope's of a fraudulent election, Banana Republic You watched the...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Absolutely's post in the thread Who will Win.
    What fake jibberish your make believe world has lowered you unto. Blue ribbon backwards award big time. You and your side can no...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them..... Constitution: Death Penalty 2381Treason "Whoever, owing...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Portland mayor Ted Wheeler: "Dear Antifa, your usefulness in the coup is over. Your days are numbered." Andy Ngô on Twitter: "In his...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Chinese Communist Party Used Internet Propaganda 'Army' to Shape COVID Narrative Anybody with properly functioning sensibilities knew...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Thanks for your service, Red, White, And Blue! I really cant understand why you trash one of the greatest Patriots and Heros that has...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Without a shadow of evidence? On The "Troll" Are Ya Tons of evidence, Atlanta Georgia CCTV video, 20,000-30,000 illegal ballots...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Just watched a 5 min clip on FoxNews, first time in a week, just to keep up on what the fake news is pushing? They had a panel of 4...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Al-Tekoa's post in the thread Who will Win.
    . Trump doin' 4d chess...while the opposition is shoving checkers up their nostrils...? We live in interesting times... .
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Well...looks like we have 38 spineless or compromised Senators yes?
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    AMERICA IS PREPARING FOR WAR - Cyber Team Evidence And Conclusions - CD Media AMERICA IS PREPARING FOR WAR - Cyber Team Evidence And...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential...