Reactions given by Solemateleft

  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Geriatric Joe Biden is older than Trump, and suffering from where am I at, what date is it, who's my wife, alzheimers Of course you...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    For pity's sake do you know whats on the laptop from hell? Hunter is a pedo druggie sex addict scumbag of the sickest kind. Joe is "the...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    While everyone sits back and lets it happen? There should be a literal army of civilians out there policing this whole situation...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Antichrist you say? No madame but HERE is your antichrist.......the Democratic Party. @amuse 1/ Today @BetoORourke announced that...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Oh... a couple of other things before I forget. Biden and the Democrats promised to pack the courts and eliminate the electoral college...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to your post in the thread Who will Win.
    You're never heard of Tara Reade then, nor women who said his touching them made them uncomfortable. Nor heard him come out and...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to PennEd's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Which is why there must be no way to accept Biden and many other Democrats. We fight now, or submit to evil people that have destroyed...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to cv5's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Rasti he needs to take a few weekends, sit down read the Constitution read the Bill of Rights and read the Federalist Papers. Study US...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Stacey Abrams Dead Registered Voters, Did You Believe The Criminal Fraud Was Going To Stop? The Democrats Are Inciting A Civil War!
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Truth7t7's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Exactly, we dont know who the front line individuals were "Inciting" the actions, I watched the actions that started the event, it...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Roughsoul1991's post in the thread Who will Win.
    You are speaking as if there will be fair elections again. What good is voting or running for office if the election is rigged? You...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Absolutely's post in the thread Who will Win.
    It was antifa that got into the Capitol. You are so backwards with your cnn garbage propaganda.
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Absolutely's post in the thread Who will Win.
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Thanks for the laugh. Your party is not only insane left,it has been sold to lucifer. Your party is demonic
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to mailmandan's post in the thread Who will Win.
    The liberal Democratic party will only end up taking America closer to a Godless, borderless, socialist, disarmed Sodom and Gomorrah...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    it was antifa that actually broke into the building, just watched a video of trump supporters trying to stop them from breaking the...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Roughsoul1991's post in the thread Who will Win.
    The mainstream media doesn't need ammo. They have been manufacturing it for decades. The last 4 years had little to no negative coverage...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to your post in the thread Who will Win.
    Fixed it for ya.
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to your post in the thread Who will Win.
    THEY?!! Again, where were you when Dems sat back and allowed BLM and Antifa to loot, burn, beat and murder people in the streets...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to gb9's post in the thread Who will Win.
    none of this will matter if all the voter fraud issues are not fixed. and, since the party now in charge is biggest benefactor of the...
  • Solemateleft
    Solemateleft reacted Agree to Lisamn's post in the thread Who will Win.
    All the voting systems are still in can rig any election. You would think that they would have had to take out dominion...