Reactions received by Soyeong

  • R
    rogerg reacted Dislike to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    Indeed, our salvation is from sin and sin is the transgression of God's law, so living in obedience to it is the way that God saves us...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Disagree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    In Jeremiah 31:33, the New Covenant involves God putting the Torah in our minds and writing it on our hearts, so those who do not want...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Disagree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    The Mosaic Covenant was given to teach us how to be a doer of the character traits of God, so if you grant that they are eternal, then...
  • V
    vassal reacted Agree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    Sorry, I meant Exodus 31:14-17. My point is that the only way that the Mosaic Covenant can be replaced by the New Covenant is if the New...
  • V
    vassal reacted Agree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    The Mosaic Covenant was given to teach us how to be a doer of the character traits of God, so if you grant that they are eternal, then...
  • V
    vassal reacted Winner to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    In Matthew 4:15-23, Jesus began his ministry with the Gospel message to repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand, which was a light to...
  • V
    vassal reacted Like to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    What specifically do you think was just my assumption? God's graciousness is not superior to His righteousness, but rather God is...
  • V
    vassal reacted Agree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    In Exodus 33:13 and Leviticus 24:8, it says that the Mosaic Covenant is eternal. The Bible often uses the same terms to describe the...
  • V
    vassal reacted Winner to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    In 1 Timothy 1:8, it says that the law is good when it is used properly, so it is important to recognize that the Bible can speak...
  • V
    vassal reacted Agree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    Do you think that Christ the Gospel message to stop repenting because the law has ended now that he has come and to curse us by causing...
  • V
    vassal reacted Winner to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    In Romans 10:5-8, it references Deuteronomy 30 as the word of faith that we proclaim in regard to proclaiming that God's law is not too...
  • V
    vassal reacted Agree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    Those verses do not say that there are eternal aspects of the Mosaic Covenant, but that it is eternal. In Jeremiah 31:33, the New...
  • V
    vassal reacted Agree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    Nowhere does the Bible say that, but rather it says the opposite. You are denying what Paul said is the word of faith that we proclaim...
  • V
    vassal reacted Agree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    If you agree that God's law was given to reveal what sin is and that we should refrain from doing what God has revealed to be sin, then...
  • V
    vassal reacted Winner to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    It is good for you to evaluate whether what you think what a passage says makes sense and to sometimes come to the conclusion that you...
  • V
    vassal reacted Agree to Soyeong's post in the thread Works and Salvation.
    You are free to think that that is correct, just recognize that it is your own made up doctrine that is not based on what is stated in...