Reactions given by stonesoffire

  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    We don't judge the person's soul for that is up to God to do. However, we do and should judge the actions of a person, the words of a...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Dottie will take everything you say and twist it to suit her own agenda. That's a fact. But as intelligent as you are, I know you have...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    You are so kind. :) Thank you for the support .. it means a lot. It does take time and effort on my part, and you know there many...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I have no raccoon to account for my staying up until 4:30 this morning :giggle:
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread Not By Works.
    My sister had two pet raccoons too growing up. Their names were Bonnie and Clyde.
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You not only twist words but you do not have reading comprehension. I plainly said "your posts" and no I'm not going to attach all your...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Again you twist my words to suit your agenda. I never "judged" your soul. You have taken my post out of context, changed the meaning...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    And once again if one reads Dottie's response to this, she has taken my words out of context, rearranged them to support her "being...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    We have sound reason to have loathe the dogma of conditional salvation... it devalues the work of Christ Jesus plainly and clearly. I...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    The problem is that there is an assumption that OSAS carries the connotations that those who believe in it use it as license to sin and...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to VCO's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You do know that JUDGING and DISCERNMENT are two different terms ? ? ? Judging is a legal term that means, DO NOT PASS SENTENCE UPON...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    What did you get from Jesus? What has he done for you?
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to jackrosie's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Only scripture can be trusted....not what we think or believe...I agree Laff.
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to Lafftur's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Well, it's Scripture that the Holy Spirit gives us understanding of - The Word and Spirit give life to the hearer. We don't want to...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to tourist's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I said something like that a few years ago about Calvin on another thread. Got lambasted for it. Amusing though.
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to Lafftur's post in the thread Not By Works.
    @EleventhHour - you are a very dear and precious sister in Christ to me, I know that you love God with all your heart, mind soul and...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to Nehemiah6's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You have picked up on someone's warped view of salvation. OSAS is not even the correct term. Christians who believe the true Gospel...
  • stonesoffire
    I do want to say that we are not all false teachers, to be a false teacher one would have to constantly teach incorrectly and lack all...
  • stonesoffire
    We are always the protagonist in our movies, and the ones who oppose us are the antagonists. ;)
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    I would like you to provide the words of God that state He unjustifies the born again believer. The gifts and call of God are irrevocable.