Reactions given by stonesoffire

  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Not By Works.
    the One who has suffered in the flesh? let me introduce you to a fascinating passage on the very subject we ought to 'arm ourselves...
  • stonesoffire
    The key to understanding scripture is in seeing the sameness in all scripture, knowing that scripture is from the same eternal God...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to cv5's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Great series on eternal security by John MacArthur. I just finished listening to it highly recommended...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    This site is much higher up in all areas than the now defunct site which became inundated by atheists
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to jackrosie's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You really aren’t understanding what I am trying to say. DorothyMae,you rely on self and not one can ever be set free from an...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to your post in the thread We are all false teachers.
    Jesus grew in wisdom and knowledge. It did not happen all at once even though he was the only begotten. We too must grow. Salvation...
  • stonesoffire
    The Written Word IS ONLY a record of the LIVING WORD! That's who we put in our hearts.................mayhaps this is your problem...
  • stonesoffire
    I am not going to try and wrap my head around the wonderful mystery of the Godhead. For one, man is limited in understanding and we can...
  • stonesoffire
    The whole Trinity doctrine is people trying to wrap their heads around the mystery of the Godhead. Please note, I am not saying I...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to cv5's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Rubbish. Jesus saves people from their willful sins all the time. Christians repent of these willful sins, and they are cleansed of all...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    which makes them hypocrites
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    Thats great You are ignoring the fact that John is talking about PRESENT and FUTURE sin and not past.
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    You see nothing? Even in the english, It says has (present tense) but the actual words written is a verb which is present active...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Not to mention the fact that just because atheists do not believe in God does not mean God does not work in their lives :)
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to Magenta's post in the thread Not By Works.
    By virtue (?) of their lack of belief they really rather have to deny God had anything to do with it, whereas we can know better :)
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to your post in the thread Not By Works.
    You stated that works are necessary and then back peddled.
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Do you understand paid in full.....? Obviously not.......! How many sins are found under the following scripture! And explain to me...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Sure it does genius.....go study IT IS FINISHED and then gain biblical knowledge!
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Even though hard, there is no other answer.....SALVATION is the beginning point of grasping truth on a spiritual level......a person NOT...
  • stonesoffire
    stonesoffire reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    John covered this quite well....and it is hilarious how they use a particular pointed statement by Christ that was directed at a woman...