Reactions given by strawberry501

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    strawberry501 reacted Like to blue_ladybug's post in the thread Break up.
    He doesn't sound like a true Christian to me. Seems he wants to sow his wild oats, and reap the benefits. He used you, plain and simple...
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    strawberry501 reacted Like to your post in the thread Break up.
    Just worry about you now. People can be very disappointing. Male and female. Events in our lives prove our ultimate trust should be in...
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    strawberry501 reacted Like to your post in the thread Break up.
    sounds like you are counting on him coming back to you. Not sure that is wise to be honest.
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    strawberry501 reacted Like to your post in the thread Break up.
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    strawberry501 reacted Like to ArtsieSteph's post in the thread Break up.
    Oh yes I totally agree. I only say it may take some time, and it may be best for both of you if it be Gods will that it be separate...
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    strawberry501 reacted Like to your post in the thread Break up.
    You are welcome, Strawberry. Hugs.
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    strawberry501 reacted Like to your post in the thread Break up.
    I am sorry to hear that... I understand how painful it is... It breaks my heart because i remember my young niece and how it hurts her...
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    strawberry501 reacted Like to your post in the thread Break up.
    Maybe we who have given advice have stereotyped this guy as a typical scoundrel. But strawberry from your last post I sense this guy is...
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    strawberry501 reacted Like to your post in the thread Break up.
    Hmm.. This is confusing. Thank you for your response. Is there any way he could have seen or heard something and misunderstood, thinking...