Reactions received by SunnyOz

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Thank you Deade. I love the welcome mat you sent.
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    That's terrific. It is great to have chat forums for Christians. I imagine it must have been a busy and really helpful site for many in...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Hi Kirenina. Thank you for your welcome. Phillipines/Australia - very close neighbours. Have a wonderful day.
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Lovely to meet a pom Shandy. Thanks for your welcome. My brother and his beautiful daughter lives in Pom land so it is a special place...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Thank you Bingo. I really like your quotes, especially the second one "sharing our experiences...". Lovely.
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Wow, that's a long time Shandy. So you really 'get' us Aussies. One of the things I like most about Australia and the diversity of...
  • A
    Adstar reacted Agree to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    That's terrific. It is great to have chat forums for Christians. I imagine it must have been a busy and really helpful site for many in...
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Oh how wonderful it was to hear that tune again. Thank you for attaching it. Sooo many memories, but I am sure as primary school kids we...
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Agree to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Thank you so much Tabin. Blessings to you too. Yes, please have a look at Aussie online, it really is a wonderful place to be. But I...
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Hi Shandy. You made me laugh ... no, not like a kookaburra :D I think I like your spelling much more. Yeap, I love the animals too...
  • S
    Shandy reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Hi Shandy. You made me laugh ... no, not like a kookaburra :D I think I like your spelling much more. Yeap, I love the animals too...
  • S
    Shandy reacted Friendly to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Yes it was a lovely memory. We would sing in a raucous way and laugh our heads off at the end of it. Great fun.
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Absolutely, and if you don't mind I would add: box jellyfish, stonefish, redback and funnel web spiders. Good grief, it is a wonder we...
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Yes it was a lovely memory. We would sing in a raucous way and laugh our heads off at the end of it. Great fun.
  • S
    Shandy reacted Funny to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Absolutely, and if you don't mind I would add: box jellyfish, stonefish, redback and funnel web spiders. Good grief, it is a wonder we...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Surprised to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Blue ring octopus - beautiful but deadly.
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Blue ring octopus - beautiful but deadly.
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Happy to SunnyOz's post in the thread AUSTRALIA.
    I have enjoyed reading and having a good giggle at the posts on this page. As a single, spirit-filled christian woman who is an Aussie...