Reactions received by SunnyOz

  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Agree to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    That's terrific. It is great to have chat forums for Christians. I imagine it must have been a busy and really helpful site for many in...
  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Thanks Oyster67. Sounds like there is a pearl there. lol. Yes I feel blessed to live in this amazing country.
  • A
    Adstar reacted Agree to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    That's terrific. It is great to have chat forums for Christians. I imagine it must have been a busy and really helpful site for many in...
  • BlessedByGod
    BlessedByGod reacted Agree to SunnyOz's post in the thread Hello All.
    Thank you so much Tabin. Blessings to you too. Yes, please have a look at Aussie online, it really is a wonderful place to be. But I...