Recent content by tavi_tad

  1. T

    Living in the last days?

    I think the last day started from the fall found in Genesis 3. Since the age of 16 years old have heard many preachers or pastors and Christian talking about the last day and that time is short and we need to get right with God. I am now close to my 40's and still waiting, however, my spiritual...
  2. T

    Living in the last days?

    what is the mark of the beast today? and if it is here, would we recognize it or understand what it is? who has the authority over this world? and are Christians supposed to draw closer to the authority of this world or are we to separate ourselves from the rulers of this world?
  3. T

    Pornography addiction

    The devil is always finding ways to keep us off the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life. The biggest deception he knows that keeps us from progressing toward achieving a fulfilled spiritual growth is through the lust of the flesh. The bible confirms that no one is perfect not...
  4. T

    Living in the last days?

    What do you think about this title? do you think we are living in the last days or do you feel that we still have a long way to go?