Reactions received by Thankful2021

  • de-emerald
    de-emerald reacted Like to Thankful2021's post in the thread Introduction.
    Oh yes, I am active in my church and fellowship there. I found this chat forum to be a good place to talk about Scriptures and to know...
  • Deade
    Deade reacted Like to Thankful2021's post in the thread Introduction.
    Oh yes, I am active in my church and fellowship there. I found this chat forum to be a good place to talk about Scriptures and to know...
  • I got this explanation from : The serpent in Genesis chapter 3 was Satan. Satan was either appearing as a serpent...
  • Deuteronomy
    Deuteronomy reacted Like to Thankful2021's post in the thread Introduction.
    Hello, I am new in this chat forum. I joined because I have a few questions in certain areas such as church teachings and/or...
  • oyster67
    oyster67 reacted Like to Thankful2021's post in the thread Introduction.
    Hello, I am new in this chat forum. I joined because I have a few questions in certain areas such as church teachings and/or...