Reactions received by throughfaith

  • reacted Agree to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    This article is the same false message that is being peddled across christianity. This Article is preaching a false Gospel . no mistake.
  • reacted Agree to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    The Article is clearly is through faith but ' let's add all this junk on to Faith and call faith / trust/ believe something and guilt...
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    Change your mind towards God and Faith toward Jesus .
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    Change your mind = ' repent ' that's the meaning of the word .
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    Are you saying there is no transitions in the book of Acts ( Acts of the apostles ) ? Are you saying Peter always understood the message...
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    I've not said once that changing your mind is not Necessary .
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    Ok what you have is called ' deductive reasoning ' . You cannot arrive at what you believe with what the bible actually says . '...
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    The problem you have with this ' natural man ' cannot believe the Gospel theology is that its clear " believers cannot understand the...
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    How are you not seeing subtle works salvation in that article?
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    you say //JAMES 2: THE ABSENCE OF GOOD WORKS PROVES THAT ONE IS NOT SAVED// FALSE !! you obviously have not spent much time around the...
  • fredoheaven
    lol does your entire theology rest on ' the natural man ' . ?
  • GandalfTheWhite
    I'd say that if a believer holds to billions of years its not because of the bible .
  • 1ofthem
    1ofthem reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    I would say 'How can I change my mind about my need of a savior if I don't change my mind about sin . ' I need to understand why Jesus...
  • There are lots of ' why ' Questions. But it of course has to come down to scriptural authority first. The damage to the plain reading...
  • reacted Funny to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    Then we will await your expounding on what the verses say . It sounds me like you follow lordship salvation.
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    Was the John the baptist ,speaking to jews or people in 2020 ?
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    You could convict people all day long about the bad stuff they have done. Its only when convicted of the rejection of Christ's FOR...
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    Could you find me ' repent ' in the Gospel of John please? The book that says this 31But these are written, that ye might believe that...
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    Change of mind . Acts 8.22the THOUGHT of thine heart
  • reacted Like to throughfaith's post in the thread No 'But '.
    My Op includes Calvinism into the saved 'but ' groups . Yes there are many that add at best 'Lordship salvation ' . At worst ,blatant...