I had been single almost for 30 years and had never been in love before. The single life is totally fine as I am highly demanded on my work. However, I also wonder if God has another plan for me to fulfill my role as a female. I would like to try it by keeping some penpals on a regular basis at this point. My life is kindda plain. I graduated from law school but didn't pass the bar and didn't like to be a lawyer. But I like rationality and enjoy watching CSI. I was saved during my staying in Shanghai with my cousin who is also a Christian. She is now living in Kansas, US. I am looking for such a special brother of Christ in both China and US. I work as a director of training department in a marriage and relationship counseling company in Guangzhou and got certified as a marriage and relationship counselor myself. I DON"T LIKE TO PLAY AROUND WHEN IT COMES TO RELATIONSHIP OR MARRIAGE! Other than that, I tell deadpan jokes a lot.