Reactions given by TLC209

  • TLC209
    First, with all due respect, a lot of your understanding is either incomplete, or incorrect. Either way... 1. God writes books...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to your post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    Thank you! So it was revealed in later scripture that Cain knew what was expected and what to bring! And makes sense. God required blood...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to your post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    Now that I can understand! So all along, Cain was understood what was expected, but was in sin and "lazy" to bring an acceptable offering?
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to Webers.Home's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    . ● Gen 4:2b . . Abel became a keeper of sheep, and Cain became a tiller of the soil. Both men worked at honorable professions and...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to Adstar's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    Because Abel's offering was symbolic of the future flesh and blood offering of the LORD Jesus Christ on the cross.. From reading the...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    so Cain was in a sense dependent on Abel, because Abel was the one who tended sheep
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    And Abel also himself brought of the firstfruits of his sheep, and of the fat of them (Genesis 4:4) how do you get the fat out of an...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    i believe if Cain repented and did what was right God would have regard for his gift. ((just for the record)) :)
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to John146's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    I disagree with what you’re trying to make this passage say. She didn’t need vindication as if she was completely innocent. Abimelech...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to Webers.Home's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    . According to Eph 4:11-14, the Bible is meant to be learned by instruction, i.e. taught by people enabled by God for that purpose. ●...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to Ahwatukee's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    That is correct! Regardless of what time Cain brought his offering, it would have been rejected and that because it did not have to do...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to John146's post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    I wouldn’t say legalistic for the Bible does not command us or even hint that we should remember Christ’s birthday, only to remember His...
  • TLC209
    Hello Guojing, that's true, both of Cain, and even more so of the demons, but is it possible to categorize either the demons or Cain as...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to your post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    See my previous comments. If you want to talk about celebrating Passover, then create another thread for that. This thread is on the...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to Blik's post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    That is not what scripture tells us. Do you think the Lord provides a different sky for gentiles and Jews so the rain is separated...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to Framer's post in the thread CHRISTMAS.
    The birth of Christ is a great thing but all the other fake stuff of it, the tree, the lights, Santa clause etc. No good.
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to reneweddaybyday's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    So you believe God told Cain to bring an animal sacrifice and Cain just decided to ignore what God told him and bring of the fruit of...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to reneweddaybyday's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    That's what I believe, ArtsieSteph. Notice in Gen 4:4 that Abel brought of the firstlings of the flock and of the fat thereof. The...
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to reneweddaybyday's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    If Cain had brought his offering in faith God would have had respect to Cain and his offering.
  • TLC209
    TLC209 reacted Like to JamOn's post in the thread Cain's Offering.
    Ok cool thanks, looking at the cats, I don’t even know what dispensationalism is, I know some about Calvinism but I’m scratching as to...