Reactions received by TMS

  • Magenta
    Magenta reacted Agree to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    People were asking about what Total depravity ment. And if we can believe in it differently calvanists. My research shows that there...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    I agree that we are unable without God. But with the provision made we can follow Jesus. By faith we can be set free. But are we...
  • Chester
    Chester reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Yes, the title makes things a bit confusing My aim was to look at the belief,, TOTAL D.. and see if the bible supports what calvin...
  • wwjdmichael101
    wwjdmichael101 reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Faith and works can not be seperated. Able had faith and did what was pleasing to God. Cain tried to do it HIS way not GODS way...
  • wwjdmichael101
    wwjdmichael101 reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Does anyone believe this? I believe the fallen nature was inherited, but not the act of sin. Jer 17:9 The heart is deceitful above...
  • S
    SabbathBlessing reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Why do children have selfish natures? I agree they are innocent, We are told that we are unable to change our hearts. And our hearts...
  • SonJudgment
    SonJudgment reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Total depravity... the first point that calvanists believe. Please prove from the word the difference and which is correct...
  • Hakawaka
    Hakawaka reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    If God gives a gift you and you don't want to open it or accept it. Would it be fair of God to force you to accept it. If God tells...
  • homwardbound
    homwardbound reacted Friendly to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    If God gives a gift you and you don't want to open it or accept it. Would it be fair of God to force you to accept it. If God tells...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    If God gives a gift you and you don't want to open it or accept it. Would it be fair of God to force you to accept it. If God tells...
  • S
    The Catholic church ruled the world for many years and then people like Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, John Wycliffe and...
  • vassal
    vassal reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Protestantism. Is it over?.
    The Catholic church ruled the world for many years and then people like Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, John Wycliffe and...
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Useful to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Knowing that God can use His power to do anything. Does God use it to force us?
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Knowing that God can use His power to do anything. Does God use it to force us?
  • GRACE_ambassador
    GRACE_ambassador reacted Winner to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Think about a giant court room with the devil and his angels on one side putting there case to the universe and Jesus putting His case...
  • GRACE_ambassador
    GRACE_ambassador reacted Winner to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    If God gives a gift you and you don't want to open it or accept it. Would it be fair of God to force you to accept it. If God tells...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Wrong... HE claims to be a doctor for the sick. To save the sinners. Mar 2:16-17 16 And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat...
  • HeIsHere
    HeIsHere reacted Friendly to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    It is all about conversion Change of heart. By nature we are lustful and sinful. The flesh is corrupted by sin. But sin is a choice...
  • P
    PaulThomson reacted Winner to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Being a slave ...... We are born as slaves to sin. Jesus has purchased our freedom. We can choose to follow Jesus and serve Him...
  • Genez
    Genez reacted Like to TMS's post in the thread Total Depravity.
    Amen and as a result we can be free. Most of the Jews in the wilderness were looking back and desiring the things of Egypt.. we to can...