
Marital Status
not married
Spiritual Status
When saved
I gave my heart to Jesus at the age of 7
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Favorite Bible Verse
Ephesians 1:4
I am a guy consumed with love for Jesus for all He has done for me and for His incomprehensible love towards me, a sinner. The theme of my life is Love. I love God and I love people, good or evil. Since God led me to begin loving people unconditionally, I've never gone a day without the awareness of His gentle Presence. I know this because whenever I step out of love, I fall into a ditch. I'm imperfect and will always be till I put off this body of corruption. However, I am a guy who will never trade my lifestyle of loving God and people for the world or its riches I count as dung.


Pray not to see an evil day
A life unwittingly drowned in a lake,
A sudden earthquake just awake;
A stampede of bulls or men
Wiping lives more or less than ten;
Rabid flames devouring homes
A fiery grave of flesh and bones.

All these make the heart faint and brood
Yet one exceeds all in magnitude
In structure, one evil is a dwarf
As cannot aspire to the half
Of the other, a Colossus,
Which is a day without Jesus


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