Recent content by un2him

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    John 21:17 Jesus asks Simon son of John "Do You Love Me"

    Why do you think Jesus asks Peter three times do you love me? Was his love in question? Why did he not ask the other disciples the same question? Ever thought about this?
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    Entertaining Angels Unaware

    This is an interesting passage in Hebrews. What can we learn from this passage? 1.Angles can appear human looking. 2.They are involved in our lives. 3.Was more of a possibility then one thought. (unaware) 4.They want to interact with us. Now historically how and why did they appear? Can...
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    Top OPM official steps down amid pressure

    Donna Seymour, chief information officer for the federal Office of Personnel Management, stepped down Monday amid pressure to resign in the wake of recent security breaches in which personal data for roughly 22 million government workers and others was stolen...
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    From here on do not believe what you are seeing on your TV. The media has gotten you preoccupied so you would not see what is really going on! The powers to be have been lying to us for along time. Research these things for yourself. The owners of media are controlling what it is they want you...
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    Children of the light

    You are the light of the world! Mat.5:14 Hope to a lost and dying world. Your words bring healing to the broken hearted. Wisdom and understanding flow from your lips. Peace like a river flows from your inerbeing. As I ponder these threads and posts these are the drops of honey I'd love to...
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    where is heaven,the place where the tree of life is and the God of all creation lives

    Many think it is physical, some think it is spiritual,some say both. What are your thoughts?