Reactions received by Unitas

  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Useful to Unitas's post in the thread Ban.
    No, it's not a different religion. As I see it, Brahman would just be another word for a separated understanding of God. I distinguish...
  • posthuman
    posthuman reacted Useful to Unitas's post in the thread Ban.
    Wow. That actually sounds quite similar to what I believe in. Thank you very much for the information :) What is your critique of this...
  • reacted Useful to Unitas's post in the thread Ban.
    Yes, that is how I try to describe my understanding of God.
  • reacted Useful to Unitas's post in the thread Ban.
    I think it depends on, what Bible is used. Mark 8:34 KJV: "And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said...