Reactions given by VCO

  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Yes, go and make disciples of all nations, which is done by preaching the gospel unto all nations, then baptize converts, and teach them...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to BillG's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Adam was not decived. He knew what he was doing. Genesis 2:15-17 (NLT Study Bible Text,) The First Command 15 The Lord God placed the...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Not By Works.
    and yet "sin entered the world through one man" -- not the Woman -- an undeceived man.
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Not By Works.
    it is amazing to see people come to a thread called "not by works" adamantly gunning for an argument, yes. and it goes on. and on. they...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Yes I do. I believe we have received it by the Spirit. But we also receive glorious bodies. There's a 3 part salvation going on here...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Not By Works.
    they confessed their sin and asked for an intercessor. they got one. then, AFTER THAT God told Moses to make the brazen serpent, lift it...
  • VCO
    I like anything from Bethel Worship!
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to mailmandan's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Your long winded judgmental, means spirited, self righteous rants are neither edifying or fruitful. :rolleyes:
  • VCO
    I'm Moving Forward...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to Lillywolf's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I think they're pulling your leg. A tzitzit is the tassel that adorns the religious garb of a Hebrew male.
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You know me....instead of stating I am wrong, why not ask me to clarify.....and the point is clear....the time frame the Law and the...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You DO ignore Scripture. I give you Scriptures that flat out disagree with you. And you brush them aside and don't discuss them. You...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    You are all over the place. End outcome... purpose... goal... it's not different. The purpose of the law is to lead people to faith in...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to Cee's post in the thread Not By Works.
    I'm not painting any view by asking you a question. If I didn't ask you a question and assumed, I would be painting a view of you. A...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to gb9's post in the thread Not By Works.
    and what does John say, in the same letter, that the commands were? believe in the name of the Son and love one another. nothing about...
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to star's post in the thread Not By Works.
    My point is that if we do not obey, at some point we will be disciplined. God wants us to obey Him as we want our children to obey.
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to posthuman's post in the thread Not By Works.
    it's hard for a Christian to talk to a Mormon. they use the same vocabulary, but they use different dictionaries.
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Of course it it...Mormonism....another cult that does not worship the Jesus of the bible........!!
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to dcontroversal's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Good will get the same ole same ole....OBLIVIOUS <---a key word applicable unto the lawyers and Pharisees.......
  • VCO
    VCO reacted Like to TruthTalk's post in the thread Not By Works.
    Hi Posthuman, I don't believe in luck, but I do like this song.