Recent content by WillB

  1. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    You have made at least two bloopers. Firstly, I haven't even remotely been arguing that 'dead' men can get to heaven. So, you've been attacking a strawman of your own erecting. Secondly, it doesn't follow from what you've 'argued' - which by the way isn't even an argument and is nothing but...
  2. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    And YOUR conclusion was a total disconnect from what I said and to whom.
  3. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    Have you any sense of discernment at all? Just how on earth could you come to such a conclusion? Huh? I was talking about the attitude of the two persons to whom I was responding and NOT about God! For goodness sake get a grip!
  4. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    IF you take the trouble to actually read what I say and NOT what you think I've said you'd have read and understood that I've admitted I may well be wrong on this issue. And I've challenged you and others to substantiate your view by drilling down into the original meaning of the words Hell...
  5. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    I don't anyone to be unsaved either and neither do I find it attractive that certain gleeful individuals portray God as inflicting misery and torment on those who albeit foolishly reject His hand of friendship by subject them to endless horrors.
  6. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    I shudder to think the punishment you would dish out to someone if they were unfortunate enough to have you pair on a jury and found guilty of wilfully parking on a double yellow line.
  7. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    Thank you. This time your link ...linked. I viewed the fast show. You posted the link - stating the obvious - because you agree with the presenter. But he simply rattled off a series of Scriptures without any exposition as to why they should be taken literally other than saying, in effect, that...
  8. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    Yes IF perish = eternal life. I've been asking the Hellfire tormentors to substantiate their interpretations of Scripture with sound exegesis and with reference to the original meaning of certain words and in the context that much of Revelation is written in symbolic language - and they have...
  9. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    IF we all followed your 'logic' to your 'logical' conclusion it would mean that because we are not Jesus and only He can use rhetorical devices that we cannot! In the words of a certain Mr McEnroe: You cannot be serious!
  10. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    IF you trouble yourself to read the Gospel accounts you may just learn that Jesus often used sarcasm - directed at certain religious types who twisted the Scriptures and beat others over the head to try to bully them into submission. maybe you've had some success with that tactic in the past -...
  11. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    The 'link' to the video you mention does not link. And as to your second point I wholeheartedly agree but all I've had by way of responses is opinions that Revelation which is written mainly in symbolic language is meant to be taken literally e.g. there are persons in this forum who actually...
  12. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    I have.
  13. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    WoW! A 7-word statement. How very persuasive. You ought to run for President ...or Prime Minister with such rhetoric.
  14. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    I certainly agree with your observation that [Scripture] means different things to different people. The important thing is what did Jesus mean when He used words in His communications? If words have any meaning and worth at all it's surely in that we the receivers of His words are meant to...
  15. W

    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    HiH: Are you born again? Were you spiritually connected to God prior to being born from above? WB: The context is HiH a Christian discussing with me, WB, a 'born again' Christian, the topic of Eternal Punishment as conscious ‘torment’ against Annihilation. HiH has the belief in an Immortal...