
Franz Friedrich Johann Nortje
Marital Status
Spiritual Status
When saved
5 years old
Country Flag/Nationality
South Africa
Country (Location)
South Africa
Gauteng [South Africa]
Favorite Bible Verse
1 Cor 13
I am a highly intellectual person that is sometimes wise and sometimes just plain dumb. I make mistakes like every other person, but I strive to be perfect as is it is one of our commandments from the Lord. I am not always successful, but a race is never won on the first step. I am a person that believes in God.

I believe in the compilation of scriptures which is commonly known as the Bible and I believe it contains Prophecies and Messages from God as well as the servants of God. I believe God is beyond eternal, and is not bound to the limits of time, even though we are. I believe there are eight dimensions which we know off and we (earthlings) were created in seven. For this reason the earth's creation story was made in 7 days, indicated the times. Each day indicating a dimension that we might understand. To our knowledge on earth the common person adhere to three dimensions and as to the reason why we find it difficult to comprehend that which was and is created around us. We were able to understand beyond this before the fall of sin, but as of now we cannot only reach an understanding of this via the Holy Spirit. I believe that because our sin is continious there was really only one way to totally couter the sin we do and that is an act of love beyond forgiveness both in and outside of time to set free those that are captive. Yet in our inperfection God has granted us the grace to abide in Him and conquer our sins to be free in Him and cleansed by His blood. It took an act of mercy beyond our comprehension for God to safe us. Yet very few are subjected to the understanding of this. And just like Eve were created out of Adam so to we were created our of Christ to become His bride. To become into authority of grace by God, by the love of God. And to this end there are to be witnessed of this great event. And as such there are three witnessess in Heaven and three on earth. And for this reason are we baptised. So we can be full in the proclamation of His grace that we are His and that we are His child. And by this Grace given to us beyond the measurement of understanding of the human mind we are now yet again born. Born free from the clutches of sin and redicule by the evil of this world, but born free into the family of God. However to explain this to the common believer would take years as to by the grace it is given to us. Therefore we teach those around as far as they can fathom until they are ready to receive more. For we are not one, but many that believe in the virtues and secrets of God. Of these secrets our faith and lives are filled with. Yet in less, we are more. The many secrets in the Bible I share as much as I am allowed for not everything is permitted. For we are not allowed to give pearls unto pigs and dogs. Yet of a few there are which must be given freely and without hesitation and that is to the end of being saved by our creator. However there are those secrets which entitles the Kingdom of God. These secrets are to be hidden for a select few. Those that seek, knock and ask. For in grace these are the pearls of which was spoken for the grace of freedom is given to all. Yet Jesus Himself said "seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His rightiousness". And as this, it comes not through mere acceptance but by urgently seeking and longing for the rightiousness of God and the Kingdom of God. For whosoever seeks shall find, who asks shall receive and to whom knocks the door shall be opened. These doors are not mere physical doors but that which are in spirit. For our honour is to worship God in Spirit (not flesh) and in truth for this is abiding to Him. And only in the covenant of having a name in Christ can we ever hope to enter the kingdom of God. For this, the guidance of the Holy Spirit is essential. For one cannot see nor enter the kingdom of God if one is not born of the Spirit. And one cannot reach an understanding of the spirit if not guided by the Holy Spirit unto understanding. For our knowledge are so small when coming to that of the spirit, if not for the Holy Spirit, we would never make it.

So my goal is to teach others that which I know, up to where I am allowed and hope that I too my find insight in the words of others as to the graces of His holiness.

