Recent content by Wordwalker

  1. W

    "I ask then why do people say Israel must go through the Tribulation?" Jeremiah 30.6. paraphrased.

    I’ve heard this in the past at churches I no longer associate with, and a lot on radio programs- (also past-tense). They don’t know scripture where it identifies the Holy Spirit as not merely the one who gave life to the planet, but that He IS that Life. This planet was dead without Him and will...
  2. W

    "I ask then why do people say Israel must go through the Tribulation?" Jeremiah 30.6. paraphrased.

    I’m certain to be accused of heresy for this, but here goes….. Believers are the BODY of Christ who join in marriage to the BRIDE of Christ, Israel. God promised to punish her, redeem her, and marry her (as a remnant, 144,000). The scripture absolutely says this… I just wanted to offer...
  3. W

    Speak Your Mind.

    I’m just wondering why no one has imbedded themselves in this thread for the sole purpose of antagonizing the others… The ones who love to speak their mind the most, are absent here… no topic to derail, I suppose. How refreshing… It is quite ironic, though, that on my second day on a...
  4. W

    Delete conspiracy segment if no posts are allowed.

    Only suggestion is to delete the account for a troll, calling itself ResidentAlien. It is on here solely to harass and ridicule people. It’s made it clear that it does not believe in the Holy Spirit- which pretty much defines the one unforgivable sin. It makes any serious conversation impossible...
  5. W

    For God is Not the God of Dissension.

    Many ‘non denominational’ churches have been started by people with marginal understanding of scripture. We have some (where I’m at) who even admit to only preaching as little as 2/3 of the Bible because they don’t understand it. People tend to flock to churches where they don’t feel like...
  6. W

    Is personal prophecy scriptural?

    I’m a prophet. I don't accept the flippant use of the term by those who are not. But I am finished with this conversation.
  7. W

    Is personal prophecy scriptural?

    You, no one else, accused me of being deceived and practicing a cult religion… I made a comment- and now, you won’t stop putting me down. just stop! You’re evil and I dismiss you.
  8. W

    Is personal prophecy scriptural?

    What is your problem?! you ask for insight and attack what people say. No one is deceived unless they listen to you. You are a troll, merely looking for people to antagonize. And do not ever accuse me of following blasphemy, unclean spirit- the Lord rebuke you!
  9. W

    Is personal prophecy scriptural?

    I was speaking against personal prophecy- it doesn’t exist. I was trying to use my words carefully, because people always seem to to find something to offend themselves with. My comment about true prophets holds true… because none of them have from God something that validates them. As far...
  10. W

    "Facts On Tithing...

    The quote from Malachi is not a doctrinal verse- it is a charge against the priests for taking more than their share of the tithe, if fact, they took it before it would go to the place where food was stored. They were literally taking the best food and serving God defective animals. Church...
  11. W

    Is personal prophecy scriptural?

    Some of them are so-called ‘psychics’ who blend in well with Christians who seek personal prophecies. A true prophet of God will be able to show their authority by something unique given to them by God. And they will only testify about God or events closely related to God.
  12. W

    Navigating church culture

    I recently heard a radio preacher who warned against unity in church and said that doctrine is what we should strive to find in common… In America, that’s pretty much how it works. Buildings are not only unnecessary but scripture actually tells us that God doesn’t dwell in buildings. Tithe is...