Reactions received by ZNP

  • shittim
    shittim reacted Dislike to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    It is called a peace offering, Israel pays a price for all the evil they have committed since 1948.
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Agree to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    An invasion from our Southern border? As goes Israel so goes the US
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I don't think the Union could survive that, there have been too many brazen, in your face, insults to half the country and I think it...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I liken it to that same plane with the terrorists at the helm pointing the plane straight down to the ground.
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    What about 2008? The behavior of thousands of bankers clearly violated their fiduciary responsibility, it is a crime that many other...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    They are bought and paid for by the globalists.
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    19 Oct! Israeli Navy Finished Off Hamas in One Hit! Critical Area Evacuated for Final Blow!
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Sad to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Israel will not have peace unless they repent of their sins, and take Jesus as their atoning sacrifice. Like anyone else they will have...
  • mailmandan
    mailmandan reacted Sad to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    The country has been put to sleep, it is about to go under the knife. Already been wheeled into surgery.
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    19 Oct! Israeli Navy Finished Off Hamas in One Hit! Critical Area Evacuated for Final Blow!
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Being His chosen people is not some kind of teflon that means they are immune to sin. They are chosen to be an example to us. They...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Israel will not have peace unless they repent of their sins, and take Jesus as their atoning sacrifice. Like anyone else they will have...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Sounds like God's plan with the Great White Throne
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Of course I know what peace is, it is knowing the savior and knowing whatever happens you have been redeemed for all eternity. It is...
  • Moses_Young
    Moses_Young reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Are you familiar with FTX, it was a money laundering scheme that brought a lot of money to the last election in the US and saved the...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Friendly to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    All divisions between the body of Christ is based on that reasoning and Paul begins saying that we are to endeavor to keep the oneness...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Sad to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Likewise a zionist is a victim of Islamic terrorism.
  • Smoke
    Smoke reacted Agree to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Israel will not have peace unless they repent of their sins, and take Jesus as their atoning sacrifice. Like anyone else they will have...
  • Smoke
    Smoke reacted Winner to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    When you counsel couples that are having trouble you go in with the assumption that both parties share the guilt. It should be the same...
  • shittim
    shittim reacted Agree to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    So then how do you suggest Israel deals with eliminating the threat? They have hundreds of miles of tunnels, they pop out, fire...