Reactions received by ZNP

  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Funny to ZNP's post in the thread Kristallnacht 2:0.
    Are you suggesting that instead of the army we send in social workers to help Putin, Kim, the Iranian leader, a few Hezbollah...
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Perhaps, but Biden saying they agreed to do a 4 hour pause each day was pure baloney. We can assume going forward that the Biden...
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Agree to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    It is like the Lord's word that you will be blessed if you so much as give a glass of water to a Christian who is being persecuted...
  • FRB72
    FRB72 reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Kristallnacht 2:0.
    Are you suggesting that instead of the army we send in social workers to help Putin, Kim, the Iranian leader, a few Hezbollah...
  • FRB72
    FRB72 reacted Informative to ZNP's post in the thread Kristallnacht 2:0.
    The terrorists don't do anything without the approval of the overlords. Gaza is not paying for the bombs and the tunnels and all the...
  • Smoke
    Smoke reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Jesus Christ's kingdom is not wishful thinking. Nor is seeking a kingdom in which righteousness dwells wishful thinking. However, what...
  • Smoke
    Smoke reacted Winner to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    It is far too broad a brush to say that "Palestinians have no intention of living in peace with Israel". 5/7th of the Palestinians...
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    JohnDB has come up with an out of the box solution that the Biden administration first championed. Instead of sending an army to fight...
  • Cameron143
    Cameron143 reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I think these high tech lasers can be used to cook a giant barbecue to celebrate the peaceful solution to the conflict as we put all the...
  • Magenta
    ALERT: IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW⚡️ Israel Finally Get What They Want! US Jets CARRY OUT Most Massive Airstrike on Pro-Iranian Bases!
  • G
    Alex Jones Reveals How We’re Being Sucked Into A Three-Front Kinetic War...
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Winner to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Anyone who ignores God and His word when proposing a solution has committed the false balance fallacy. God is the major factor which...
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Funny to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    JohnDB has come up with an out of the box solution that the Biden administration first championed. Instead of sending an army to fight...
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    I think these high tech lasers can be used to cook a giant barbecue to celebrate the peaceful solution to the conflict as we put all the...
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Informative to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    There are many disadvantages to being in a tunnel and the IDF is leveraging all of them. They are attacking from four sides in Northern...
  • Smoke
    Smoke reacted Funny to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    JohnDB has come up with an out of the box solution that the Biden administration first championed. Instead of sending an army to fight...
  • cv5
    cv5 reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    LOL, Psalm 83 --> Ezekiel 38 --> Ezekiel 39 -- > Armageddon where the entire world unites against Israel. 2/3 die, but in the end they...
  • FRB72
    FRB72 reacted Happy to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Oh right, 45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat popcorn in...
  • T
    ThereRoseaLamb reacted Winner to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    LOL, Psalm 83 --> Ezekiel 38 --> Ezekiel 39 -- > Armageddon where the entire world unites against Israel. 2/3 die, but in the end they...
  • FRB72
    FRB72 reacted Like to ZNP's post in the thread Israel Declares War.
    Jesus Christ's kingdom is not wishful thinking. Nor is seeking a kingdom in which righteousness dwells wishful thinking. However, what...