Hello everyone!
I'm struggling with this "Catholic's Aren't Christians" topic with a friend and I want to get your opinion on it!
First of all, I'm not Catholic and neither is my friend. We're just Christian (some may say Evangelical or something). Anyways, we were discussing Catholisism one day and she made the comment that Catholic's aren't real Christians because they believe that works will get you into heaven, are only saved if you are baptized, exalt priests, the pope and Mary and that you must confess your sins to a priest and not to Jesus because you are not worthy to do so and many other things that don't line up with Biblical teaching.
Now, I agree that there are a lot of things that Catholics do that don't seem to line up with the Bible (a lot of Christians do things that don't line up with the Bible) and the whole Hail Mary's, rosaries and other things seem very cumbersome but I wouldn't go as far to say that they aren't real Christians because they do things a different way. They believe in Jesus and honor him above all else, am I right? I'm not sure how to talk to my friend about this matter because she seems pretty set in her belief that Catholics aren't Christians and I don't agree with her.
If there are any Catholics here I'd like to hear your opinion on this so I can share your thoughts with my friend.
You got to remember that the Pharasees and scribes believed in God and were very strict when
obeying the Law. But Jesus told them: Joh 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your
sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.
So, belief in God, one God, doesn't save anyone. Jesus said, I'm the way. Once saved, the believer
gets the Holy Spirit. You understand that? The believer GETS the Holy Spirit. God is with that
person. Christ Jesus is with that person and will NEVER leave nor forsake them.
Now why is there a line of people standing between the individual and Jesus? That is Mary, patron
saints, guardian angels, ordained priest, etc...? Will my prayers have greater weight with God if
Mary co-signs it? Answer: NO God will not accept that abomination. You can only attempt to
contact these people through the spiritual and with God, that is a huge "NO NO". The believer is
to only talk with God in the spiritual. Asking someone to pray for you, is in the physical, and not
spiritual. But Mary, Patron saints, angels, you can not get to them except through the spiritual.
And God will not allow anyone to contact Him except through Jesus.
Faith and trust. WHere is the trust? Individual prayer is serial, like lights in a serial connection.
If one light burns out or removed, they all go out because the connection is broken. The believers
serial connection is: Person - Jesus - Father To put ANYTHING between them breaks the
connection. The body prays in parallel, that is like vanity lights in a bathroom. Remove one light
and the rest still work. The body (church) needs to be of the same mind and that is the parallel, so
bringing up issues to pray about, has the body in the same mind. The issues are communication in the
physical. But the believer needs to beware of where their faith is placed. If the believer feels
someone else will get God to act for them, rather than their own prayer, the faith is in the other
person. I hardly ever ask anyone to pray for me. They can pickup on my problems on their own
and pray if they want, but I have faith in my own prayers more than anyone elses. I WILL ask people
to pray about other issues, which is the parallel. But for my own life, I take it through Jesus to the
Father, serial. And you got to remember, how do we really know who is saved and who isn't?
You may ask someone to pray for you that isn't saved. Hows that going to work out?
Walking with the Lord or with His posse? As I said, the believer HAS the Holy Spirit. Jesus wont leave
the believer. The believer doesn't need a posse. Now, for the sake of argument, say you could
contact Mary with a prayer,, what would she do with it? YOU HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. She would
take the prayer and hand it right the the Holy Spirit IN YOU. Many people acknowledge Jesus, but
that don't cut it. A simple reading of the OT shows the Jews STILL burnt offerings to Jehovah
while playing the pagan. Did He accept this practice? Did He say, "Well, as long as they still worship
Me and offer burnt offerings to Me, they can have their Baal worship"? When the Babylonians
defeated them, the Jews learned otherwise. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is the way. Jesus is
God in the flesh. That is just quoting scripture and any atheist can do that. But when the
person starts contacting or praying in the spiritual to anyone other that the Father, through Jesus,
the person is worshipping Baals. It is simple paganism masked with Christian terminology.
I'm sorry, but they just want to acknowledge Jesus and keep a line of people separating them from
Him. There can NOT be any separation. The believer walks through the valley of the shadow of
death with the Lord and the Lord only.
Psa 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for
thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
I see no room for Mary, saints, angels, and priest. A person can NOT develop a relationship with the
Lord by using "go betweens." If anyone speaks to angels or patron saints, or Mary, THAT is where
the relationship is being cultivated.