Okay, so... I'm gonna apologize already for trying to revive a /REALLY/ old thread. Still, it needs to be said.
Don't get me wrong here; I've been a pretty die-hard fan of MLP: FIM for at least a couple of years. Fluttershy, DJ Pon-3, Derpy/Ditzy-Doo/Muffins, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Dr. Whooves are/were definitely my favourites, and my memorabilia is proof of that.
Yes, the show comes off innocently enough. Vibrant and colourful characters, positive messages, RIDICULOUSLY catchy music sometimes... It's some of the 'probably'-not-so-subliminal symbols that I need to discuss here.
Starting off, season 2, episode 12: "Family Appreciation Day." What I wanna point out is a little screencap from Granny Smith's story.
http://tinyurl.com/hhs8366 (shortened it to HOPEFULLY keep from trying to stretch the page--) Have a look near the top-right corner. Look familiar?
Here's something from along the same vein -- from season 4, episode 19: "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils." Have a look at Sapphire Shores's headdress (before Sweetie Belle amended it.)
Then there's... Discord. Admittedly, one of my favourite villains in the series, and why not? He's sarcastic and 'maybe just a little' quirky! However, his design 'might' be a red flag here. You have a goat's head/left horn/beard, a right purple bat wing, a left blue bird wing, and a cloven hoof, among other things. ... Baphomet, anyone?
If none of that's enough evidence for you, then this one might seal the deal.
http://tinyurl.com/gsxl5pm What's wrong with this one, you might ask? Good question. Honestly, I didn't notice it until a video on YouTube that was SUPPOSEDLY an April Fool's joke pointed it out. I could see where a good portion might come off as said joke, but this is too coincidental to be a part of it.
At first, there's nothing wrong... until season 3, episode 13: "Magical Mystery Cure." A little backstory here: Twilight Sparkle receives a special delivery from Princess Celestia: an incomplete spell from Star Swirl the Bearded. She casts the spell to find out what it did, but it didn't seem to do anything -- at least, not at first. As it turns out, the spell switches the destinities/cutie marks of all of her friends. The song, "What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me," has five of the Mane Six singing about their dilemmas at their 'new' jobs.
Here's where the picture comes into play. Twilight walks up to a framed version of it, and gets inspired on how to fix what she did. If you draw a line in the order each of them sang -- Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity (and presumably Twilight by default,) you get a certain image. More specifically, a Satanic pentagram.
I know this 'might' be a lot to process. Like I said, though, it needed to be said.