Jesus said when He sends the Holy Spirit He will be
sending the truth. The Holy Spirit will guide us in the
truth and set forth our path to walk in our lives as we
learn His message. Jesus also said, I am the way,
the truth and the life, he who comes through me comes
to the Father that sent me. So here is encouraging us
to read scripture so we know what the way is. All of
the Gospels lead us in that direction, teach us Christ's
message. And the life is living in imitation of Christ or
even more accurately being the best Christ we can be.
That means knowing who Jesus is, following who He is
and being who He is. Jesus is love and love is a verb
as we use it in action for the glory of God.
sending the truth. The Holy Spirit will guide us in the
truth and set forth our path to walk in our lives as we
learn His message. Jesus also said, I am the way,
the truth and the life, he who comes through me comes
to the Father that sent me. So here is encouraging us
to read scripture so we know what the way is. All of
the Gospels lead us in that direction, teach us Christ's
message. And the life is living in imitation of Christ or
even more accurately being the best Christ we can be.
That means knowing who Jesus is, following who He is
and being who He is. Jesus is love and love is a verb
as we use it in action for the glory of God.
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