[h=2]Helicobacter pylori-foods to eat and avoid[/h]
H. pylori is a bacterium of the modern time and it is believed by the medical community to play an important role in development of gastritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers. The truth is that its effects on the human body are still very poorly understood. First of all, it is a bacterium that inhabits some partsof the gastro-intestinal system and it is postulated that it may be very important in the natural stomach ecology. Unlike pathogenic bacteria, H. pylori do not invade the cells of the surrounding tissue, they just "habitate" there. Moreover, H. pylori do not cause our immune system to fight them or develop immunity to a repeated "infection". Then over 80 percent of individuals infected with the bacterium are asymptomatic (fail to show noticeable symptoms) which lead many independent researchers to conclusion that the presence of H. pylori in the majority of patients with gastritis and ulcers does not necessarily mean that these bacteria cause ulcers. It just adds to the severity of the problem. Anyway, H. pylori is a type of bacterium that is adapted to harsh, acidic environment. Reduced acidity of the gastro-intestinal system provides an opportunity for Helicobacter to multiply and proliferate excessively. The overgrowth of Helicobacter also causes additional reduction of stomach acidity and opens the possibility for other harmful bacteria to colonize stomach and small intestines. That causes some classic symptoms that people usually experience like heartburn, nausea, bloating and frequent burping. Thinking that the acid levels are high they reach instantly for drugs and remedies that lower the acidity unaware that they just add fuel to the fire. The most common symptoms that can point out the strong presence of Helicobacter pylori are:-heartburn and nausea-burning abdominal pain-frequent burping-bloating-vomiting-weight loss-chronic acid reflux-bad breath-constant hunger-irritable bowel syndrome-IBS (symptom-based diagnosis with chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating and alteration of bowel habits and it has no known organic cause.)It is not necessary that the patients with H. pylori experience all of the symptoms. They can vary as well as the remedies and foods that the patients should take to reduce the symptoms. Some of the foods, beverage and remedies that are beneficial for certain percentage of patients, the same actually don`t work for others. That just makes Helicobacter higher enigma to be solved. Anyway, before we recommend any beneficial foods and remedies first of all we must clear the things that you should avoid, the ones that certainly cause damage and overgrowth of the bacteria.FOOD TO AVOIDSpicy food: Spices like chili, black and red pepper, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and mustard seeds are potentially irritable for the mucus of the stomach and support the H. pylori growth.Hard to digest food: Some foods are naturally hard to digest like beans, cabbage or tomato and tomato –based sauces, soups or juices and it should be avoided if infection is already present.Fried and processed food: Fried and processed food is in generally causing health issues so try to avoid like French fries, margarine, cookies, chicken nuggets, doughnuts, canned food and etc. If processing is necessary try to bake or boil the food. Also try to avoid pizza, refined sugar and white bread as it sticks for the mucus of the intestines.Beverages: In case of H. pylori diagnose there are some beverages that you should avoid. Coffee and alcohol is the top of the list that also includes some soft and all soda based drinks.High fat food: Increases the possibility of stomach lining inflammation.Oils and vinegar: Avoid all the types of food with regular oil and vinegar except for olive oil.NATURAL TREATMENTThere are some well known and popular foods concerning the H. pylori issue. It should be pointed out that as a result of a different response of the patients to it you should be monitoring the types of food you consume and if the effects are beneficial or wrong. Some of the most popular foods and cures that fight H. pylori infections are apple cider vinegar with aloe vera and lemon water, baking soda, coconut and oregano oil, broccoli, manuka honey (produced from the nectar of manuka flower-Leptospermum scoparium), cranberries, olive oil and etc.Broccoli: It isconfirmed that broccoli contains sulforaphane (also found in other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage and kale). It is a compound that can prevent the development of bacteria and such a positive changes have been observed in humans and animals. Daily consumption of broccoli introduces sufficient amounts of phytochemicals. The anti-acid activity of these vegetables disappears with the cooking. Fresh cabbage juice also helps the natural treatment of gastritis.Cranberries and raspberries: Cranberries are known for their effective implementation on the urinary tract and their role in reducing bacteria and infections. These berries also contain vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent the spread of bacteria in the stomach. Besides its anti-infective action they allow a better absorption of vitamin B12 in case of gastritis. The complex sugars of cranberry inhibit the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori on human gastric mucus. Raspberries have one of the highest concentrations of ellagic acid (as well as pomegranate juice), a powerful antioxidant. It can be also found in blueberries, strawberries and nuts and has antiviral, anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagen and antibacterial properties. Ellagic acid destroys the offending stomach bacteria. This powerful phytochemical is preserved no matter how raspberries are cooked or frozen and is an effective natural combatant of the bacteria.Olive oil: Olive oil is loaded with omega-9 fats and significant amounts of antioxidants, mainly vitamin E that is a protective element against stomach cancer and many other chronic diseases. Phenol components of olive oil remain unchanged and stable for hours in the harsh acidic conditions of the stomach, so most of the oil components can withstand in this environment. Although the exact amount of intake is not known, the researchers believe that daily consumption in small amounts is enough to fight against bacteria.Green tea: It has proven antiviral effects against stomach bacteria. The green tea also helped to reduce the development of inflammation in the stomach.Ginger tea is one of the best remedies for flatulence. You can also make your own by boiling fresh ginger root or adding grated ginger to meals. Chamomile tea is helpful for a variety of stomach problems. It soothes stomach aches, eases the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, promotes elimination and helps the overall digestion. It is often found in teas for digestion in combination with peppermint. The essential oil has shown an in vitro inhibition of Helicobacter. St. John`s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is also one of the most common found in tea mixtures that are recommended for stomach issues and digestion. St. John`s tea in case of Helicobacter is claimed to be helpful and drunk daily instead of water.There are many other herb remedies and foods reported to work against H. pylori. Mastic gum is natural agent that even in small doses kills the bacteria like Helicobacter and heals the digestive system. The extract comes from the Mediterranean pistachio tree (Pistacia lentiscus) and has been used for centuries to treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. Fennel and anise(Foeniculum vulgaris and Pimpinella anisum) as a tea or tincture can ease the discomfort of gas or bloating; relieve esophageal irritation and sooth an upset stomach.In Macedonia there is a national alcoholic drink called Mastika, fine distillated, sweetened with acacia honey and flavored with so called sweet anise (Foeniculum vulgaris var. dulce). It is well known for treatment of gastritis and beneficial effects on overall digestion.Incredibly some people claim that a small doze of mineral sparkling water is calming their burning abdominal pain and some for the same drink small cup of cold milk. There are testimonies that are in favor of digestive stimulants like pineapple juice and fresh ginger juice, then licorice powder (root of Glycyrrhiza glabra), a teaspoon twice a day. The apple cider vinegar seems to work for most of the patients: a tablespoon in water before the meals. This is based on the theory to raise the acidity above the level that H. pylori can survive as some patients also benefit from drinking lemon juice in warm water in the morning. Recently coconut oil is very popular as a remedy in treatment of Helicobacter for its high content of lauric acid, saturated fatty acid and powerful natural antibiotic that kills bacteria by destroying the cell wall on contact.So the fact is that there are many questions to be answered about Helicobacter. The possible causes of gastro-duodenal ulcers and inflammations are to be reviewed as a complex matter including oxidative stress and free radicals damage as well as H. pylori overgrowth. Till the mystery of Helicobacter is revealed try some of the best known remedies and foods that inhibit the bacteria. The response is different from patient to patient. Some of the tips that will surely work are the following:-add a change in your lifestyle: avoid or reduce nicotine, alcohol, coffee and spicy foods as much as possible-do not overeat: eat less and more frequent, chew your food well to feel it and enjoy it-drink spring water-rest after meals, do not walk, run or work hard-try Yoga and fitness workout accenting the abs and stomach muscles-laugh and socialize with positive people.