Hey Everyone, I'm new here. I never thought I would come to a forum to post one of these but I'm desperate and here I am..
WARNING! Below there is some sexual stuff, so sorry in advance. But I think I need to be honest and real with this and put it all out on the table to get true healing.
So I grew up in a Christian household and been a Christian my whole life. When I got into college I started going through the motions and became a lukewarm Christian.. I was still occasionally going to church but I would literally never read the Bible, pray or spend time with God.
Up until this point in my life I was sexually pure. Little by little I started going down a sexual path and slowly doing more and more. Things I never thought I would do until marriage. I was at a bad place. Giving it up easier every time and not feeling bad after like I used to.
Here is where things got bad.. One day I broke my nose doing a sexual act. Not a big deal right? Wrong.. That broken nose somehow turned into me growing like 6-7 nasal polyps. When I went to see the doctor he was literally dumbfounded. I did multiple CAT scans, multiple allergy tests from multiple doctors and not one of them could figure out how I developed them. They said my nose looks like I have severe asthma and allergies but I didn't have any. One of the doctors prescribed me medication, which said I should get relieve for about 4-6 months after I cycle off. Mine only last 3 days!! The doctor was literally shocked and said in his 30 years he's never seen a case like mine. Multiple doctors and no one has seen a case like mine. So then I resulted to surgery, the doctor told me there may be a chance they come back but in a few years. Mine ended up coming back 3 months after the surgery.
No doctor knows whats wrong with me, but I do. I truly believe this is because of my sexual sins and it was God's only way of getting my attention that I'm headed towards the wrong path. He loves me so much he is letting me go through this to open my eyes.
It's been 2 years now since my surgery and I'm still struggling with these nasal polyps. When you have 6-7 of them its very hard to breathe, I never have 100 percent breathing its always at like 60% and I lost my sense of smell completely and my taste.
I decided to turn my life back to God. I started going to church every week and for the first time in years I've been reading the Bible literally every day. Making changes all in my life with the way I talk, the music I listen to, and most importantly haven't watched porn. Since I started doing all this my nose has been the worst it's ever been.
It's almost like God is testing me or allowing the devil to test me like he did with Lot. And it's getting really hard, I need prayer. It's hard when you're trying to change for the better and your situation is getting worse. I'm now at a point where I sleep like 2-3 hours a night because I literally can't breathe out of my nose.
I'm desperate.. I have no other option but to continue to pray. The only thing better than prayer is prayer from multiple people..
I've never shared any of this with anyone. But please if you guys can keep me in your prayers for the next few weeks I would really appreciate it.
Sorry for the long post and thank you so much for anyone who took time to read this!
WARNING! Below there is some sexual stuff, so sorry in advance. But I think I need to be honest and real with this and put it all out on the table to get true healing.
So I grew up in a Christian household and been a Christian my whole life. When I got into college I started going through the motions and became a lukewarm Christian.. I was still occasionally going to church but I would literally never read the Bible, pray or spend time with God.
Up until this point in my life I was sexually pure. Little by little I started going down a sexual path and slowly doing more and more. Things I never thought I would do until marriage. I was at a bad place. Giving it up easier every time and not feeling bad after like I used to.
Here is where things got bad.. One day I broke my nose doing a sexual act. Not a big deal right? Wrong.. That broken nose somehow turned into me growing like 6-7 nasal polyps. When I went to see the doctor he was literally dumbfounded. I did multiple CAT scans, multiple allergy tests from multiple doctors and not one of them could figure out how I developed them. They said my nose looks like I have severe asthma and allergies but I didn't have any. One of the doctors prescribed me medication, which said I should get relieve for about 4-6 months after I cycle off. Mine only last 3 days!! The doctor was literally shocked and said in his 30 years he's never seen a case like mine. Multiple doctors and no one has seen a case like mine. So then I resulted to surgery, the doctor told me there may be a chance they come back but in a few years. Mine ended up coming back 3 months after the surgery.
No doctor knows whats wrong with me, but I do. I truly believe this is because of my sexual sins and it was God's only way of getting my attention that I'm headed towards the wrong path. He loves me so much he is letting me go through this to open my eyes.
It's been 2 years now since my surgery and I'm still struggling with these nasal polyps. When you have 6-7 of them its very hard to breathe, I never have 100 percent breathing its always at like 60% and I lost my sense of smell completely and my taste.
I decided to turn my life back to God. I started going to church every week and for the first time in years I've been reading the Bible literally every day. Making changes all in my life with the way I talk, the music I listen to, and most importantly haven't watched porn. Since I started doing all this my nose has been the worst it's ever been.
It's almost like God is testing me or allowing the devil to test me like he did with Lot. And it's getting really hard, I need prayer. It's hard when you're trying to change for the better and your situation is getting worse. I'm now at a point where I sleep like 2-3 hours a night because I literally can't breathe out of my nose.
I'm desperate.. I have no other option but to continue to pray. The only thing better than prayer is prayer from multiple people..
I've never shared any of this with anyone. But please if you guys can keep me in your prayers for the next few weeks I would really appreciate it.
Sorry for the long post and thank you so much for anyone who took time to read this!
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