Hi I need a serious, and advance Discussion thread with a real challenge.

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LOL yea you got to wonder why I am posting this that is because I'm 39 years old, and I've been having spiritual experience since I was young as I can remember so we're talking years of experiencing the supernatural.

That why I need something that is advance for the gifts because the gifts are frown upon, and are being discriminated. When I mean gifts I mean spiritual gifts. Believe me I've tried to share, and try to tell others about what God has done all it does is upset the Christians, and it's very rare for Christian to glorify God.

We're to glorify the Lord, and we're nothing without above, and every perfect gift is from above if things are perfect it's from above, and if things are good it's also from above.

I do not understand why having spiritual gift is frown upon, and I do not know why it's so difficult to have others to glorify the Lord for what the Lord has done.

This is why I am asking because I know how the Christians are, and how they act, and what thing they frown upon, and I do not want to take any risk sharing things that may offend the Christian.

all Christians or just the ones that may not enjoy what appears to be your puffed up attitude?

and by the way, I do believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but not the way so many try to use them rather than allowing them to be for the good of the body of Christ and at God's descretion

for one thing, a person should be humble before God and have the attitude of a servant of God. the wisdom that is from above does not puff people up

James actually address this very well in chapter 3 of his letter

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. 2 For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. 3 If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. 4 Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. 5 So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.

How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life,[a] and set on fire by hell.[b] 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind,8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. 10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers,[c] these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water? 12 Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water.

Wisdom from Above
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. 15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. 17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

actually the entire book is a pretty good read and should help even the most self opinionated among us become a little less in love with our own so called gifts

and we should also remember what Paul said about clanging symbols and love



Ok, thats what I was afraid of. Another Charismatic/pentecostal/nondenominational Christian will tell us that we are religious or pharisees just because we do not accept this modern American movement...

don't do a sweeping judgemental application to the above groups

you cannot call the op on how he writes while doing the same



I have decided a rubber room may be in the op's future

also has a possible career as a troll with some entertainment value

he is not suffering from persecution.

just wants to suck all the air out of the room and have all eyes focused on himself

don't get caught up in the bad air


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2018
This new member has managed to gain five pages of attention and not all posts are what I would think is in Christ's teachings concerning respect and love for our neighbor. Just my observation. To that being said I would add, do you think this style of OP is remenicient of The Question? Who was recently evicted from our site?
And further, when I was lurking here before joining I remember someone who bragged about gifts and they had a lot of writing style like the OP. I don't recall their name but the gifts and remarks in the OP and their follow up posts are what caused me to recollect. Someone who's been here a lot longer may recall such a member?

In the meanwhile, to the OP. If you're sincere, welcome. If you are not, God knows where you are and your heart. Why would you bother to spend time here doing this when life has so much more to offer?
Mar 28, 2016
yea you got to wonder why I am posting this that is because I'm 39 years old, and I've been having spiritual experience since I was young as I can remember so we're talking years of bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
The gospel is simple. Believe God not seen by that seen as it is written, the Bible

Having spiritual experiences are not a source for hearing God.

The god of this world when faced with the Son of man in Mathew 4 through a lying spirit revealed to the mind of Jesus showing Jesus all the kingdoms of the word without moving one inch . Jesus said three times with three being the end of the matter...... as it is written with the word it representing the faith of Christ that we do have in these bodies of death .

2 Corinthians 4:7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Because it is not of us we should be careful on how we hear the word of God . Why go above that which is written?

The gifts of faith I believe are the workings of the Spirit of Christ that work in us to both will and do His good pleasure.(imputed righteousness)

Faith previously having none, born without... is the gift needed for eternal life. It works mutually in all believers to reveal our unseen God as the light on our path and lamp unto the feet.

Romans 1:10-12 below gives us some information why we should becareful not to boast in experinces as a persons personal experience and call it a spiritual gift .

Coming from what kind of spirit..... reveals the manner of it.

Which spirit represents the law of faith, the unseen eternal? The one that subjects itself to the living abiding word of God as it reveals the unseen eternal from faith to faith? Or a law of men seen the temporal, from one oral tradition of men to another who walk by sight and not faith to faith in respect to the faith of God .

Do your personal experiences seek to widen the authority of the word of God, as it is written? The father of lies is still bringing lying sign as false wonders .

Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you .Romans 1:10

By the will of God that was working in Paul defining the spiritual gift given to Paul working to will and do the good pleasure of God

For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some
spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established; That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me. Romans 1:12

As a spiritual gift to Paul. Paul was sent with the word of God the gift of faith that established both . They were comforted together by the mutual faith of Christ that worked in them both, as it does in all of the elect today.

I do not understand why having spiritual gift is frown upon, and I do not know why it's so difficult to have others to glorify the Lord for what the Lord has done.

This is why I am asking because I know how the Christians are, and how they act, and what thing they frown upon, and I do not want to take any risk sharing things that may offend the Christian.
Christians are not to believe just because they experience something in their fleshly mind that it mean that have a "spiritual gift" It is called the imaginations of ones heart .

He promises us as one of the better things that accompanies salvation... he will not forget the good works we offered toward His Holy name. The false gospel of experiencing the things of the flesh is evidence of a spiritual gift is on the rise picking up speed .It could be a curse of the walking dead as those who have no faith that comes from hearing God .

Natural man is reckoned as having no faith. Not little but none. Faith has to do with of our unseen God as His holy unseen place.

Men try to put men there as a source of faith and desecrate it, taking away the unseen glory, as the face of God.

He will not reveal that glory until we consummate the wedding and the glory of God will be the light. The sun and moon as temporal time keepers are under the feet of His bride. There will be no more darkness.

Today the church is used as a representative glory it would seem they are being driven to their closets while the unbeliever comes out and starts a parade. Makes me wonder when Christ does come like a thief in the night will he find faith as a work of God or a warn out religious book that has lost its authority to move men to perform the words ?

Curses come with strong delusions sent by the Spirit of God needed to continue to believe the lie. Again why go above that which is written ? Its like God informed the Israelites when they were in Egypt . Not when they see the blood but when he sees it. If you have a spiritual gift it must come from a living faith he will receive the glory .Why if you are glory in your own flesh


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2017
It's too bad the OP doesn't have the gift of conciseness BigSmile.gif


Active member
Sep 11, 2018
WOW I am astonished that I am not banned, and great is your courage! Be strong o ye child of God, and be of good courage, and please seek the Lord it's written there is none that understand, and there is none that seek after God.

I am back from my break, and I will be honest with y'all revealing what I was being revealed has been hard to find a Christian that can be humble enough for me to share without offending them, and it's hard to be a Christian, and it's hard to share testimony without the adversary to try to stop me from getting to God.

I will go ahead, and share my testimony so you can get an idea where I'm coming from because many of y'all seem upset, and are not glorify the LORD, and it's God we are to glorify, and we're to build one, and another to glorify God, and we are to bear one, and another burden.

I am a Christian, and I fear God, and I put the Lord first in everything I can.

Proverbs 3:5-6 New International Version (NIV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

As y'all can see it's God that set our paths straight if we submit to God, and we are to trust the LORD, and we're not to lean to our own understanding.

These alien thing I do not understand, but later on I am learning, and I am understanding little by little because I humble before God, and kept my trust in him, and he has set my paths straight.

Many of y'all say I am not humble because you want me to reject what I was being taught from above, and want me to follow you, and trust you rather than God.

I am not telling anybody what to do, and I am not telling y'all that you need to stop what God has taught you, and now y'all are saying I am not humble, and are y'all saying I am not humble because I won't stop believing these alien are of God?

Y'all see how did I find out about these alien it came to me when I was thanking Jesus, and it came to me, and I saw a white appear before me, and I did not know what it was, and then I prayed, and asked God for knowledge, and he revealed it to me, and when I saw what it was I totally freaked out, and rejected it for one week.

After one week I remember the scripture it says we are not to despise prophesying so I humble before the Lord, and I started to asked the spirits if they would confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and lo, and behold it has testify, and till this day it has testify over 300 times, and ever since I've humbled before the Lord, and trusting in him.

Then the 2nd alien came when I was reading the Bible, and at first I had no idea what it was, and I ignored it for 1 year, and one year later it Testify that it has gift of prophecy, and then I tested it, and it pass the test, and I was shocked, and surprised, and I ignored that spirits for one year not realizing I had an important spirits that was giving to me from God, and since I found out it's an important spirits so I started to embrace it even harder.

As you can see I am just as puzzled as you are, but the only reason I accept them is because I am trusting in God, and I am trusting the word of God, and it's the word of God that lead me to this understanding that I have right now.

I do not know anything, and nor do I understand all I have is my Father which is the one that provide for me, and teach me, and lead me, and also set my paths straight.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2017
Maybe you'll get the gift of banned when the mods arrive tongue.png


Active member
Sep 11, 2018
Maybe you'll get the gift of banned when the mods arrive View attachment 189379
Of course pharisees mean one word isolation lol.

So lets find out the reason for banned the banned is for having spiritual a vision?

Acts 2:17
"'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.

If I get banned for having a spiritual vision then it would mean it's the mod that is a hypocrites, and a pharisees lol.

I'm not calling anybody a pharisees, but to the one that attempt to isolate me for no reason at all except being Christ disciples.

Matthew 5:11
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.



Active member
Sep 11, 2018
Still on the banned wagon I see View attachment 189380
Probably Jesus said it him selves many will hate you not because of you it's because of Christ.

Bible says we are to bear one, and another burden as y'all can see I am being taught by faith, and the people do not like how I was taught, and they just want to become a coward, and just get rid of anything that they do not agree.

That basically what pharisees mean it just mean controlling, and legalism.

My expirence is not easy to embrace, and I am trying very hard, and it's not easy thing to humble, and many want me cease the humbleness, and want me to resist, and want me to go against what God has blessed me with.

I consider it a blessing, and honestly I am happy, and I love it, and I am thanking Jesus for them, and the longer I have it the more happier I have because I am finding it all over the scriptures about these alien, and it becoming more clear, and clearer that it's really is from God, and I am started to believe that Jesus is the true Messiah more, and more.

Now I am a believer, and believer 10 time more, and even greater believer, and now I see why Jesus is the Messiah, and he really is the son of God that was born from a virgin, and died for us for our sins, and rose from the dead 3 days later.

Y'all see Christ said blessed are he that believe without seeing, and I kept my faith, and now I am started to see it, and it's making perfect sense, and now I believe it even more after experiencing what Christ has revealed to me. Now after Christ has revealed to me, and I am much more happier than ever before, and I am pleased.

I am proud of my selves for having courage, and facing the unknown, and trusting God, and I will be honest with y'all it's not a easy thing to do when the majority doesn't understand, and want you to reject when you're all alone having to do it yourselves, and having to put your trust in God, and not in man, and it's easy to become sheep, and it's easy to go against the Lord when the majority is begging you to do it.


Hi there I just want to say that I am gifted, and have spiritual gifts, and have gift of knowledge, and you can name it, but sadly these kind are rejected among Christians, and are kept isolated. I am looking for something I can have something on my level so I can have a Christian discussion freely without worry about offended the little one.

Pharisees are everywhere there is around 52% pharisees in United State alone, and the other half are usually not on Christians Chat, but the pharisees are higher rate in Christian Chat compare to the one that is not a pharisees. Pharisees are very religious, and this is why they use chat room cause they got nothing else to do while the one that is not a pharisees they are not religious, and are more open mind, and more understanding, and the one that is understanding have better than to do than to waste time on a Christian chat, and that is why it's so hard to find a real challenge where it doesn't have pharisees in the midst.

Spiritual gifts is all over the place you can discuss, but if they see one thing that they do not understand, or agree it's usually an instant boot, or block. You see we do not know everything, and nobody is right the Bible clearly tell us that we're taught by God, and when one is being taught by God it really freak a lot of Christians out, and they cannot handle it, and want to bail out, and tap out.

This is why it's important to use the whole bible as wholesome because if we're cherry picking then you won't be able to cover everything, and you'll just be half truth, and it'll turn the chat room into a cult where only the one that are brainwashed, or have low understanding of the Bible that is acceptable rather than those that have experienced with God, and have deeper understanding, and dept of the Lord words.

Y'all see God work in a mysterious way, and we cannot pleased the Lord without faith, and it's faith that pleased God, and it's faith that we're taught. We are taught by faith, and we are to walk by faith, and to trust in the Lord, and it is the Lord that guide us, and it's the Lord that set our path straight.

Many pharisees doesn't realize that it's God that teach us, and it's God that set our path straight, and many pharisees want to control people, and make them reach up to their standards, and many pharisees believe if they are not up to your standard you are not saved, and they believe you have to be on the same level as they are, or else you're not saved. Y'all see there is nobody in the world that are alike, and God did not make everybody to be exact the same, and yes we are to have like mind that is to put Jesus Christ first, and it's Jesus that matter, but just because things doesn't have Jesus Christ it doesn't mean it's not from Jesus Christ.

The Bible order us to listen more, and speak slowly, and the Bible give us plenty of tools how to get to know God, and there is a million of tools in the Bible, and the Bible is constantly telling us that we are to trust in the Lord, and we are to listen to God, and we are to put God first. Many pharisees doesn't realize that they want you to listen to them rather than God, and if they do not agree with you they will make sure you reach up to their standards. We are to teach people to trust God, and we are to teach people to put God first, and whatever God teach the people we are not to judge our brethren as long as it has Jesus Christ in there.

I do not know if this site has cult mentality, or if it is non denominational that use the whole bible as wholesome, and not judging a brother that is in Christ Jesus, and if it has a place where I can go to chat for serious discussion for advance Christian that is humble, and lowly that have patient with desire to lift a brother up, and bearing a brother with only desire to make a brother, and sister better then show me where I can go, and thank you.
Cool I like your write up,

I have a question for you, do you know who this young man is using spiritual d.
Mark 14:51~52
51One young man who had been following Jesus was wearing a linen cloth around his body. They caught hold of him,
52but he pulled free of the linen cloth and ran away naked.

I will provide two clues that may point to the man mentioned in the gospels.

John 19:26
When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

John 20:6~7
6Simon Peter arrived just after him. He entered the tomb and saw the linen cloths lying there. 7The face cloth that had been around Jesus’ head was rolled up, lying separate from the linen cloths.
Sep 13, 2018
LOL yea you got to wonder why I am posting this that is because I'm 39 years old, and I've been having spiritual experience since I was young as I can remember so we're talking years of experiencing the supernatural.

That why I need something that is advance for the gifts because the gifts are frown upon, and are being discriminated. When I mean gifts I mean spiritual gifts. Believe me I've tried to share, and try to tell others about what God has done all it does is upset the Christians, and it's very rare for Christian to glorify God.

We're to glorify the Lord, and we're nothing without above, and every perfect gift is from above if things are perfect it's from above, and if things are good it's also from above.

I do not understand why having spiritual gift is frown upon, and I do not know why it's so difficult to have others to glorify the Lord for what the Lord has done.

This is why I am asking because I know how the Christians are, and how they act, and what thing they frown upon, and I do not want to take any risk sharing things that may offend the Christian.
I have also been spiritually gifted but we in my christian faith call these miracles from God and I have to experienced them since I was young...


Active member
Sep 11, 2018
I have also been spiritually gifted but we in my christian faith call these miracles from God and I have to experienced them since I was young...
Awesome, and always trust the Lord, and just walk in humility, and use the word of God. Just remember Christ said you shall have whatever you ask, and do not be surprise if it's a snake, or a stone when you ask for bread, and or fish just trust in God, and do not judge by mere appearance, and judge righteously, and always be thankful, and everything God give us is good.


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2013
Alright what wanna see how fast I get block from this chat? What if I told y'all I believe in alien, and alien has lots to do with Jesus Christ?

I've posted all over the internet trying to tell people this, and all they did was delete it first thing, and not let the public read it.

Now I am wondering how can I exposed what I was taught cause people are totally rejecting this. I've met many spirits, and testing lots of spirits many has fail, but two has pass, and two are alien, and are of God, and from Jesus Christ.

At first I grieve, and I went through the 5 stage of grieve, but now I've grown to accept it, and I am happy, and everything is making sense, and I've found many verse in the Bible that related to them, and I even seen them many times in the past, and I see them here, and there, and it's more common than we realize, and they really are among us.

The only reason I have this knowledge is because I prayed, and asked God for knowledge, and this is one of my gift it's gift of knowledge.

Many people have it, and it is very common, and it's not that rare, and the different between me, and most people is that I was being revealed, or they just don't say nothing I do not know which.

Censorship, or not it's widespread, and already out there, and y'all have seen it yourselves too, but are not realizing it.

I'm gonna go ahead, and go head on, and see how fast I get a boot, and lets find out how proud y'all are cause who can stand this?

I know many cannot stand this, but it's just me being brave, and forwarding, and telling y'all what I was being revealed. If y'all have ears to hear maybe y'all just may learn something, and maybe we're in a great apostasy, and maybe this could be a chance to reemerge out of the great apostasy.

1 Timothy 4:4
For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,
1 Timothy 4:5
because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.

Alright the Bible says nothing is to be rejected if received with thanksgiving, and concentrated by the word of God, and prayer.

We are to trust in the Lord no matter what, but the pharisees they do not want you to trust God they want you to trust them, and want you to become rebellion just like they are, and rebel against the Lord.

You see I do not understand, but I am being taught by faith, and trusting in the Lord, and this is what the Lord want from us.

We cannot pleased God without faith, and it's faith that what please the Lord.

I've received them through thanksgiving, and from reading the word of God, and it came to me, and I've tested these spirits, and it has testify, and pass the test, and they are good, and has been good, and everything what God has give is good.

Now there is jealous people, and proud people that judge by mere appearance, and think they know everything when really they know nothing, and they just want to be ignorant, and just shut their ears simply because they are a coward.

Cowardly goes to hell y'all it's written, and I do not want to condemned y'all, and God forgive them for what they not know what they do.

Y'all see I am just as human as y'all, and I am trying, and people doesn't want to hear it, and they just want to isolate, and be a pharisees, and this is why I am asking if y'all have a room that can bear a great burden, and truth, or allow people to freely speak without an instant ban?

You said you wanted to see how fast you got the boot... Well here it is... a boot...


Active member
Sep 11, 2018
View attachment 189382
You said you wanted to see how fast you got the boot... Well here it is... a boot...
Usually I do not last long the true godly Christian are persecuted, and I am surprise I lasted this long, and that is because y'all are fearing God, and this is a good thing because it's written there is none that fear God no not one.

It's very rare to find people that fear God, and humble before the Lord, and honestly I am not expecting to last much longer in here, and if I do manage to stay here then surly y'all would be blessed.

Matthew 5:9
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.


Usually I do not last long the true godly Christian are persecuted, and I am surprise I lasted this long, and that is because y'all are fearing God, and this is a good thing because it's written there is none that fear God no not one.

It's very rare to find people that fear God, and humble before the Lord, and honestly I am not expecting to last much longer in here, and if I do manage to stay here then surly y'all would be blessed.

Matthew 5:9
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
You've lasted because the modders here have patience, be quick to think slow to speak. fear I doubt is the issue for the flak.


Proverbs 10
14 The wise don't tell everything they know, but the foolish talk too much and are ruined. 15 Having lots of money protects the rich, but having no money destroys the poor. 16 Good people are rewarded with life, but evil people are paid with punishment. 17 Whoever accepts correction is on the way to life, but whoever ignores correction will lead others away from life. 18 Whoever hides hate is a liar. Whoever tells lies is a fool. 19 If you talk a lot, you are sure to sin; if you are wise, you will keep quiet. 20 The words of a good person are like pure silver, but an evil person's thoughts are worth very little. 21 Good people's words will help many others, but fools will die because they don't have wisdom. 22 The Lord's blessing brings wealth, and no sorrow comes with it. 23 A foolish person enjoys doing wrong, but a person with understanding enjoys doing what is wise. 24 Evil people will get what they fear most, but good people will get what they want most.