Wilderness Tabernacle - Israeli Camp aerial view
What do you see?
Temple furniture all shadows of Christ
The brazen altar or bronze (represents judgment) altar was lifted up on a mound of earth. Higher then the other temple furniture.
(NOTE: A shadow of Christ to be lifted up on the cross)
The laver, or basin was also bronze. A large bowl filled with water. The priests were to wash, hands & feet before entering the Holy Place.
(NOTE: A shadow of today's believer washed daily with His Word. Eph 5:25-27)
The menorah, golden lampstand or candlestick. The only light sourse inside the temple. One piece of beaten pure gold, weighing nearly 100 pounds. Gold represents deity & perfection. Christ 7 lamps, with wicks, filled with the purest olive oil. Each branch resemble an olive tree branch w/buds, blossoms & flowers. Priests were to keep the lamps burning.
(NOTE: A shadow of Jesus, the main/middle candlestick (I am the vine, you are the branches Jn 15:5). Believers are represented by the six branches extending from the main middle branch (let your light shine before men Matt 5:16)
The table of showbread, called bread of the presence (I am the bread of life Jn 6:35). 12 loaves baked with fine flour. Removed & replaced every Sabbath and eaten by the priests. Only priests were to eat it & only in the Holy Place.
(NOTE: A shadow of the believers fellowship and communion. God is ready to commune with us, the invitation was always open. Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take and eat; this is my body. Matt 26:26, Rev 3:20
The golden (not bronze) altar of incense. Priests were to burn incense on the golden altar every morning & evening. The incense burn continually day & night. The burning incense was a symbol of the prayers & intercession. A sweet fragrance continually raising before the Lord.
(NOTE: A shadow of Christ, who is our intercessor. Christ Jesus, who was raised, and interceds for us. Rom 8:34
The Holy of Holies an innermost temple room. A thick curtain (known as the veil) separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place. The veil, a barrier between God & man, because of sin. Only the high priest could entered this room. And only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people. Hebews 9:7. After Jesus finished the work of redemption. As Jesus rose in resurrection power, the veil was torn in two Matt 27:51.
(NOTE: A shadow of God’s dwelling place, which we have access now through Christ. We can now boldly enter into God’s presence, the inner sanctuary behind the veil where the presents of the Lord dwelt. Heb 6:19-20
Ark of the Covenant, represents God’s throne among His people. On the top was the mercy seat or Atonement Cover, made of solid gold. Two cherubim angels, facing each other. A symbol of the protection of God’s divine presence. Inside was; a golden pot of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written.
(NOTE: A shadow of: Aarons rod (over night) budded: Is grew a branch, with leaves & fruit on it. An almond (reread the Menorah), the almond is a shadow of resurrection life. The Almond is the Frist Fruit to come back to life after the deadening of winter. The broken law tablet (covered by the Mercy Seat of Grace). The heavenly food (manna) our Heavenly sustenance is Christ. The bread that came down from heaven Jn 6:51
The Ark of the Covenant was not to be opened. Once it was captured & opened to see if the contents was still in it. 1 Sam 6:19. More then 50,000 men died! Why? Because once you remove the Mercy Seat of grace. Only God's' judgment remains.
What do you see?
Temple furniture all shadows of Christ
The brazen altar or bronze (represents judgment) altar was lifted up on a mound of earth. Higher then the other temple furniture.
(NOTE: A shadow of Christ to be lifted up on the cross)
The laver, or basin was also bronze. A large bowl filled with water. The priests were to wash, hands & feet before entering the Holy Place.
(NOTE: A shadow of today's believer washed daily with His Word. Eph 5:25-27)
The menorah, golden lampstand or candlestick. The only light sourse inside the temple. One piece of beaten pure gold, weighing nearly 100 pounds. Gold represents deity & perfection. Christ 7 lamps, with wicks, filled with the purest olive oil. Each branch resemble an olive tree branch w/buds, blossoms & flowers. Priests were to keep the lamps burning.
(NOTE: A shadow of Jesus, the main/middle candlestick (I am the vine, you are the branches Jn 15:5). Believers are represented by the six branches extending from the main middle branch (let your light shine before men Matt 5:16)
The table of showbread, called bread of the presence (I am the bread of life Jn 6:35). 12 loaves baked with fine flour. Removed & replaced every Sabbath and eaten by the priests. Only priests were to eat it & only in the Holy Place.
(NOTE: A shadow of the believers fellowship and communion. God is ready to commune with us, the invitation was always open. Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take and eat; this is my body. Matt 26:26, Rev 3:20
The golden (not bronze) altar of incense. Priests were to burn incense on the golden altar every morning & evening. The incense burn continually day & night. The burning incense was a symbol of the prayers & intercession. A sweet fragrance continually raising before the Lord.
(NOTE: A shadow of Christ, who is our intercessor. Christ Jesus, who was raised, and interceds for us. Rom 8:34
The Holy of Holies an innermost temple room. A thick curtain (known as the veil) separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place. The veil, a barrier between God & man, because of sin. Only the high priest could entered this room. And only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people. Hebews 9:7. After Jesus finished the work of redemption. As Jesus rose in resurrection power, the veil was torn in two Matt 27:51.
(NOTE: A shadow of God’s dwelling place, which we have access now through Christ. We can now boldly enter into God’s presence, the inner sanctuary behind the veil where the presents of the Lord dwelt. Heb 6:19-20
Ark of the Covenant, represents God’s throne among His people. On the top was the mercy seat or Atonement Cover, made of solid gold. Two cherubim angels, facing each other. A symbol of the protection of God’s divine presence. Inside was; a golden pot of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written.
(NOTE: A shadow of: Aarons rod (over night) budded: Is grew a branch, with leaves & fruit on it. An almond (reread the Menorah), the almond is a shadow of resurrection life. The Almond is the Frist Fruit to come back to life after the deadening of winter. The broken law tablet (covered by the Mercy Seat of Grace). The heavenly food (manna) our Heavenly sustenance is Christ. The bread that came down from heaven Jn 6:51
The Ark of the Covenant was not to be opened. Once it was captured & opened to see if the contents was still in it. 1 Sam 6:19. More then 50,000 men died! Why? Because once you remove the Mercy Seat of grace. Only God's' judgment remains.
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