Not alot t of friends I know really talk about God in school. I guess most of the friends I hang with joke alot about stuff. I'm used to joking with them about stuff, but I'm not sure if I'm being really authentic, because what I'm really interested is getting as close as I could with God, and I don't know if I might be conforming to the world and turning away from God. I like some movies and reference them for jokes, but sometimes I feel like I try to get attention to much and make crude jokes that take me away from God. Sometimes I just want to be alone because I don't want to try to make offensive jokes and be too much of an attention seeker. I don't really have any personal friends I talk to in real life, so other than jokes, I feel lost about what to say, and I just act silent and think of God. Knowing how to act, and knowing who to be friends with gets REALLY confusing....
Hi M1chael, old lady here, crossing the lines between forums, I hope you don't mind. I really respect your interest and commitment to God, very admirable in a teenager. You should not turn away from your true interest, instead, push toward it. God loves you and will always be your friend. I hope you are attending a good church, reading your Bible, and praying. If you are not already, you should attend the youth group and Sunday School, that's where I found my closest friends in high school because we had that common interest. Alone time is good too, it helps us unwind, and get to know ourselves better, we all need some of that. At school and other activities, you should just be yourself, do what makes you happy, comfortable, feel good about yourself. Be kind to those around you, help others if given a chance, be friendly toward those you see are lonely (and sometimes we are lonely in a crowd). Those are great ways to seek attention and establish some new friendships. Apparently jokes are your thing...nothing wrong with that, you bring laughter to others. But look for jokes that are not crude, offensive, or dirty. You might check out some joke books. If you clean up your act, you might be surprised to start making friends that are more like the real you, the one that is interested in God.