Online Christian counselling by a Registered or Licensed therapist who is a Believer will cost you roughly $100/hr. “$45 per week” is quite unspecific. Referring to $45/week says nothing about how many minutes you will be in each session.
Online counselling MAY be effective for the treatment issues you are mentioning, it may not. Studies regarding the efficacy (effectiveness) of online therapy are contradictory and some therapists would say inconclusive to varying degrees. Although, more and more people are anecdotally claiming it works for them! As a Registered Christian Psychotherapist since 2009, I have been serving Christians in a few continents for years via online encrypted web conferencing and many of those I have serve speak well of the results.
Be prayerfully wise and discerning in the Counsellor you pick and remember that face-to-face is almost always better when you can find the right person than online!