Hey crossnote great post and thanks for the heads up.
No we're not God or gods but we are salt. Salt was used for 3 things. Most common was and is to season food. It was also used and still is used to preserve and cure. But the least known use of salt was to stop infection. Salt is a great deterrent against bacteria. As we all know if it's applied to a open wound it's not the most pleasant experience but one of the most effective.
Jesus said we are salt of the earth but to loose our saltyness we're good for nothing.
Jesus was never excepted socially especially in his home town. Could that be a picture of the future true church? As even his own rejected him.
I don't believe for one moment that the true church is of any one denomination but a mix of all that refuse to except the new age thinking. The let me entertain you church. The mega name and claim and live in fame church.
There are over 600 churches closing per month in the U.S.A. main reason lack of attendance.
As we know in the last days they will not believe sound doctrine. They will want there ears tickled.they will believe in a lie.
So what does that have to do with salt you might ask?
Salt can over come bitterness, it can enhance that which is dull and tasteless and make it exciting and fresh. Such is the word of God.
Salt can preserve that which is rotting away, dieing, it can maintain and retain. It can bring life to that which is dieing. Such is the word of God.
Salt fights against infection it kills bacteria, brings a wound to healing, saves a life or limb. Such is the word of God.
Jesus said we are light, we are salt and his house is a house of prayer. That they will know us by our love for one another.
That is the church. God added to the church not man.