Persist in it if you believe and to live under that assumption as though it is inevitable.Expect it.
When you pray do it often, daily in gratitude as though it has already happened. Praying like this often affirms it to you that it is done,
and it removes any doubt/ double mindedness you might have, and instead increases your faith about it.
When God has something for you especially when it says it in scripture, the believer has to affirm it over and over again until it
becomes fact, or "truth" to that person. Combine affirming what He says and agreeing with it with fasting weaken the mind and hasten the process, especially when you finish the fast and eat in gratitude for it (what God did being done). What ends up happening is He sets it up to where you can have whatever it was, and He does it so smooth like it was all planned. I have a lot of testimony's to where i didn't really think about it until later when i started connecting the dots.
If you are praying like a normal christian to where you are asking God questions,asking for confirmations and signs, stop. God answers to faith.. Questions come from doubtful minds, and in prayer there is no place for doubt. Doubt has a place when questioning the enemy's works though. Pray like the first church did, in thanksgiving, gratitude, and to affirm what God says/did in Christ.
With God its not a matter of trying to get Him to do something, it's more based on "what do you really believe?". If you don't know then, that's what His answer to you is. "I don't know." or if you ask something like "Is it your will if ___?" His answer will be "Is it?"
Based on your belief it will be established for you, the negative and the positive. Sometimes you don't even need to affirm a belief, sometimes that belief can be so strong it will come to pass effortlessly, and sometimes on accident. I remember a while back i was making myself sick because my belief was so strong that i would get sick that i eventually did, and i kept on repeating it over and over again. It didn't stop years later until i learned what i was doing and changed my belief about it by affirming the opposite.
So it works both ways, belief can worth against you or for you.
I don't believe in a foolish belief, noble or ignoble belief's, they all will serve God's purpose in the end..However with negative beliefs
they have their prices. You are justified by faith, and what you choose to believe, and your persistence to that belief.