My personal position is that I don’t follow any TULIP acronym. In fact I refuse to put biblical principles into a nice neat box of easy to understand principles. Reason: I think that many have been led astray by a Fast-Food version of the scriptures, and the risk to a person seeking out the Lord is that they first come across this TULIP, believe the TULIP, and then see everything they read in the bible through TULIP eyes. It becomes a PARADIGM that is hard to dislodge. My opinion is that the bible cannot be summarised so concisely. It is far better for a person to open up the Holy Scriptures, read for Him/Herself, and have the Holy Spirit lead them into all truth. That said, I would like to touch on the topic of Election, which seems to be a bone of contention amongst the brethren. My view on Election is that God Sovereignly elects those people from before time began to whom will receive salvation. This to many would seem an unfair proposition, that some would be selected and others not, but the scriptures in my view are very clear that this is very much true. We must understand the starting point. ALL are found under the death penalty, and NONE deserve salvation. I think most in the Church would agree that this is a FAIR starting point. Then if this is a fair starting point, then the sentences I wrote just before this that God sovereignly elects some to salvation once again becomes fair. It is a gift to those to whom He chooses. The ones under the death penalty (who already deserve it) cannot tell God that He is being unfair. For they receive their just desserts. He Chose us from before the world began. And that is ok. Some vessels in the potters house are made for honour and some for dishonour. Now, a very important point I want to make: NONE OF US KNOW WHO GODS ELECT ARE. IN fact the bible says in Romans 8v19 “19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” The creation doesn’t know yet. We see many in the church, and we sometimes get into thinking they are all God’s Elect. But the truth is not so. Many are sheep but many are goats. Many are wheat but many are tares. God does the separating at the judgement. Those who go onto salvation were ALWAYS ELECT. It is God’s sovereign choice, and none of our business. Our business is to share the Gospel, teach, admonish, edify and warn, love and obey. The bible say MANY ARE CALLED, but few are CHOSEN. Do you sit back and think, who are the called and the chosen? We look to the Parable of the sower, and find seed landing on 4 different types of soil. Yet only one type of soil (hearts) goes on to produce the fruit. The truth of the matter is many will not let go of the world, of their sins, not willing to carry their crosses. They want the “Best of Both Worlds”, their sins and Grace. You can’t have both.
Where many of the TULIP protagonists get it wrong is when it comes to the understanding of Sanctification. They have literally already arrived, and are at risk of avoiding the sanctification process altogether. They go so far as to say because salvation is guaranteed, that God will overlook willfull disobedience. There is no need for repentance, or repentance is something that is optional so that you have a better life in the here and now. That is super risky. That tells me that there is something wrong with their hearts, and may in fact not be regenerated after all.
I could post dozens and dozens of verses that show unrepentant sinfulness leads to a falling away (apostasy). Those who fall away were never Elect. God cannot be mocked.
Where many of the TULIP protagonists get it wrong is when it comes to the understanding of Sanctification. They have literally already arrived, and are at risk of avoiding the sanctification process altogether. They go so far as to say because salvation is guaranteed, that God will overlook willfull disobedience. There is no need for repentance, or repentance is something that is optional so that you have a better life in the here and now. That is super risky. That tells me that there is something wrong with their hearts, and may in fact not be regenerated after all.
I could post dozens and dozens of verses that show unrepentant sinfulness leads to a falling away (apostasy). Those who fall away were never Elect. God cannot be mocked.
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