It is really very difficult in this earthly Babylon. But we have what we wanted, as it is written in the Bible, the punishment for separation from the heavenly Father and his perfect love is just. Indeed, one must first seek love from Jesus and his heavenly Father and the holy angels, and they will show you a place where a piece of God's kingdom can still be created in the community. It also depends on your personality and your interests, but with a small compromise, it works, even now.
One must first mature properly and have or in the heart. After all, we are social people. As they say, the crow sets the crow, but it's not about us, that's what our father tries to help us and introduce us to people like us or better from us. I already understood that, I know what to do and I know where I am going now, even after death. This is important to understand. The Spirit is brave after the Father of Heaven, but we are bound by a body that the devil himself manipulates with his fallen angels. As Saint Paul, the leader of the Gentiles, said, "Oh, I am a poor man, the spirit wants to act, but the body does what it wants with me." I also have a lot of experience with this and I press everything at the border points, I cut sin and despise the devil, I just don't deal with pettiness and I give all problems to Jesus. Otherwise I have a lot of freedom and I am happy to be able to deal with the devil and I always win with Jesus.
But not to deviate from the topic, love can still be found among poor people who, with their simplicity and sincerity, know how to read and give a lot of love. There are also rich people who have burned themselves through everything and matured, but most of the time they find out only at an older age. I am 42 years old and I got engaged to a nice, loving Filipino woman and I found a piece of heaven on earth. For poorer people, it still works, social life, love, belonging. So as not to ruin it, I go there, buy a small garden, build a small house and live in love and happiness. Why would I have a rich, careerist woman who can't respect a man and whom I would break up with after a few months. Compromises must be made in God's mantinels and not in pettiness.
Get rid of this false world and go to countries whose spirit is not yet broken by money, where a standing woman is a woman and a man a man, where people are not yet ashamed to show feelings and love. Not just fury and lust. Find a nice Christian girl, a Christian boy rich in spirit and not money.
This is how my heavenly father taught me, and I am very grateful to him for that. Turn and look at the people of God and everything else will be added to you.
One must first mature properly and have or in the heart. After all, we are social people. As they say, the crow sets the crow, but it's not about us, that's what our father tries to help us and introduce us to people like us or better from us. I already understood that, I know what to do and I know where I am going now, even after death. This is important to understand. The Spirit is brave after the Father of Heaven, but we are bound by a body that the devil himself manipulates with his fallen angels. As Saint Paul, the leader of the Gentiles, said, "Oh, I am a poor man, the spirit wants to act, but the body does what it wants with me." I also have a lot of experience with this and I press everything at the border points, I cut sin and despise the devil, I just don't deal with pettiness and I give all problems to Jesus. Otherwise I have a lot of freedom and I am happy to be able to deal with the devil and I always win with Jesus.
But not to deviate from the topic, love can still be found among poor people who, with their simplicity and sincerity, know how to read and give a lot of love. There are also rich people who have burned themselves through everything and matured, but most of the time they find out only at an older age. I am 42 years old and I got engaged to a nice, loving Filipino woman and I found a piece of heaven on earth. For poorer people, it still works, social life, love, belonging. So as not to ruin it, I go there, buy a small garden, build a small house and live in love and happiness. Why would I have a rich, careerist woman who can't respect a man and whom I would break up with after a few months. Compromises must be made in God's mantinels and not in pettiness.
Get rid of this false world and go to countries whose spirit is not yet broken by money, where a standing woman is a woman and a man a man, where people are not yet ashamed to show feelings and love. Not just fury and lust. Find a nice Christian girl, a Christian boy rich in spirit and not money.
This is how my heavenly father taught me, and I am very grateful to him for that. Turn and look at the people of God and everything else will be added to you.