I have heard a certain Christian say a number of times "There is no such thing as a Carnal Christian."
That simply is not the case. A Christian certainly can be carnal at times, and a Christian is certainly capable of living after the Flesh (Romans 8).
That brother would have been correct if he made the following clarification: "There is no such thing as a Spirit filled Carnal Christian." For no Christian can walk in the Spirit and in the flesh at the same time. You are either walking in the Spirit or in the Flesh. It also is crucial for us to understand that The Old Adamic, Sin Nature is not eradicated in this life.
Also, Christians have a free will, and their walk is volitional. Now obviously, a Christian should not live in sin. A Christian should not live after the flesh. A Christian should walk in the Spirit. But the problem is no Christian walks in the Spirit 24/7. Every Christian has a battle with their flesh. Just as Paul the apostle had in his flesh (see Romans 7). And Contrary to what the Pelegians like Jesse Morrell are saying, sinless perfection is not attainable in this life. Should we strive for sinless perfection? Absolutely. We most certainly should strive for sinless perfection.
But let us not be deluded to think that we do not sin any more. As we grow in our walk with the Lord, we should be striving to walk more and more to develop a deeper relationship with our blessed Saviour. And as we mature in our Christian faith, we should develop a deep hatred for our own sin. When we truly love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we will develop a strong hatred for the things that He hates.
Also, let us not forget that Paul was dealing constantly with Carnal Christians when he wrote to the Church at Corinth. A lot of the Christians were so carnal there in that church, that there had been fornication taking place, uncleanness, even to the point where a man had been with his father's wife. What was the problem? Many of the saints at Corinth were living after the flesh. They were not growing in their sanctification as they should have, which is also why Paul had told them that they were yet carnal, as they were envying one another, and constantly having divisions and strife. Paul could not even speak unto them as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. Those Corinthians simply had not grown nor were they maturing as they should have been. Did they lose their salvation? No, of course not. No Christian can lose their salvation since they are a member of the Body of Christ. And so once again, a Christian certainly is capable of sinning and is certainly capable of living carnally. But they will receive chastisement from the Lord, if they do not repent. Sinless perfection will one day be realized by all born again Christians and saints of God. And that will be when we meet Christ up in Glory and receive our new glorified bodies. Then will our sin nature be eradicated once and for all. Praise God! And praise His word, the blessed King James Holy Bible! Then we will be like Christ and will have a new and glorious body fashioned like unto Christ's body. Our new bodies will be fit for eternity. And fit to live and dwell in the direct presence of God for all of eternity. Oh what a glorious and wonderful day that will be!
That simply is not the case. A Christian certainly can be carnal at times, and a Christian is certainly capable of living after the Flesh (Romans 8).
That brother would have been correct if he made the following clarification: "There is no such thing as a Spirit filled Carnal Christian." For no Christian can walk in the Spirit and in the flesh at the same time. You are either walking in the Spirit or in the Flesh. It also is crucial for us to understand that The Old Adamic, Sin Nature is not eradicated in this life.
Also, Christians have a free will, and their walk is volitional. Now obviously, a Christian should not live in sin. A Christian should not live after the flesh. A Christian should walk in the Spirit. But the problem is no Christian walks in the Spirit 24/7. Every Christian has a battle with their flesh. Just as Paul the apostle had in his flesh (see Romans 7). And Contrary to what the Pelegians like Jesse Morrell are saying, sinless perfection is not attainable in this life. Should we strive for sinless perfection? Absolutely. We most certainly should strive for sinless perfection.
But let us not be deluded to think that we do not sin any more. As we grow in our walk with the Lord, we should be striving to walk more and more to develop a deeper relationship with our blessed Saviour. And as we mature in our Christian faith, we should develop a deep hatred for our own sin. When we truly love our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we will develop a strong hatred for the things that He hates.
Also, let us not forget that Paul was dealing constantly with Carnal Christians when he wrote to the Church at Corinth. A lot of the Christians were so carnal there in that church, that there had been fornication taking place, uncleanness, even to the point where a man had been with his father's wife. What was the problem? Many of the saints at Corinth were living after the flesh. They were not growing in their sanctification as they should have, which is also why Paul had told them that they were yet carnal, as they were envying one another, and constantly having divisions and strife. Paul could not even speak unto them as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. Those Corinthians simply had not grown nor were they maturing as they should have been. Did they lose their salvation? No, of course not. No Christian can lose their salvation since they are a member of the Body of Christ. And so once again, a Christian certainly is capable of sinning and is certainly capable of living carnally. But they will receive chastisement from the Lord, if they do not repent. Sinless perfection will one day be realized by all born again Christians and saints of God. And that will be when we meet Christ up in Glory and receive our new glorified bodies. Then will our sin nature be eradicated once and for all. Praise God! And praise His word, the blessed King James Holy Bible! Then we will be like Christ and will have a new and glorious body fashioned like unto Christ's body. Our new bodies will be fit for eternity. And fit to live and dwell in the direct presence of God for all of eternity. Oh what a glorious and wonderful day that will be!
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