You really have no clue about what is happening do you? This is NOT about race. This is about totalitarianism, anarchy, and lawlessness replacing democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution. Hundreds of thousands gave their lives (in the past) to preserve freedom, and now it is going down the drain because of feckless, self-serving politicians without the guts or integrity to stand for anything. Throughout the Western world.
The Radical Left is using race as a smokescreen to destroy America. This conspiracy has been cooking ever since Obama became president in 2008. Trump was supposed to clean up Obama's mess (which he pledged to do) but he allowed himself to be sabotaged, and he also sabotaged himself, particularly since January, 2020. The day Nancy Pelosi tore up the SOTU speech was the day when she should have been arrested, prosecuted, and jailed. After that all the traitors should have been rounded up and incarcerated (since the truth about a coup d'etat to take down Trump was fully exposed). Since that did not happen, the Anarchists (all Leftist groups) have taken over, because there are seemingly no consequences for sedition, treason, and lawlessness.