I been thinking about this a lot lately and the wearing a wedding ring while single thread was the catalyst, as it were, for me posting this.
as a Christian I know that to tell or make a lie is not God's way and God has been dealing with me lately about a tendency I have to tell white lies so I won't be judged (working on some self esteem and people pleasing issues in my trauma therapy as an abuse survivor) and I been pondering about deception generally.
I Do struggle with a type of OCD known as scrupulosity or religious ocd, dividend to over think things and worry am sinning terribly over certain small seeming issues, so this may be a part of it for me.
would you consider the following things deception/lying?
- Going away on holiday or to hospital or even just going out of an evening. Is it deception to leave a light on and curtains part drawn to create an impression that am home in order to deter burglars?
- Dying your grey hairs, not with an intent to deceive but maybe not liking looking old or having grey hair?
- Wearing make up. I have heard prophets on YouTube say God gave them a vision of people in hellfire because of make up and God told them because make up is faking your look . They Say the same about straightening or curling our hair or wearing high heels because we are making our height, hair texture etc different ? They also say it about dyeing your hair. Well what if you due your hair pink?? No one is going to be deceived that your natural hair colour is bright pink! I don't believe the hell bit because I no longer believe that genuine Christians who are abiding in Christ to there. but are they right about the deception bit? Because I don't want to be a liar
- Hair removal of facial hair, arm or leg hair? Because again giving false look
- When am having a tough time and someone I don't know well or feel able to share with asks me how am doing and I say am fine
also when is lying for the greater good? sometimes it can be like hiding Jews in ww2 but what about this:
a teenage r brought up in strict family has issues with mental health to point of suicide and v unwell but because of parents Christ is faith they forbidden to see a counsellor or talk about their problems they go behind parents to get the help they need?
a wife has a husband who yells at her and punished her with violence fo r making mistakes like spending too much housekeeping money so she hides receipts ?
as a Christian I know that to tell or make a lie is not God's way and God has been dealing with me lately about a tendency I have to tell white lies so I won't be judged (working on some self esteem and people pleasing issues in my trauma therapy as an abuse survivor) and I been pondering about deception generally.
I Do struggle with a type of OCD known as scrupulosity or religious ocd, dividend to over think things and worry am sinning terribly over certain small seeming issues, so this may be a part of it for me.
would you consider the following things deception/lying?
- Going away on holiday or to hospital or even just going out of an evening. Is it deception to leave a light on and curtains part drawn to create an impression that am home in order to deter burglars?
- Dying your grey hairs, not with an intent to deceive but maybe not liking looking old or having grey hair?
- Wearing make up. I have heard prophets on YouTube say God gave them a vision of people in hellfire because of make up and God told them because make up is faking your look . They Say the same about straightening or curling our hair or wearing high heels because we are making our height, hair texture etc different ? They also say it about dyeing your hair. Well what if you due your hair pink?? No one is going to be deceived that your natural hair colour is bright pink! I don't believe the hell bit because I no longer believe that genuine Christians who are abiding in Christ to there. but are they right about the deception bit? Because I don't want to be a liar
- Hair removal of facial hair, arm or leg hair? Because again giving false look
- When am having a tough time and someone I don't know well or feel able to share with asks me how am doing and I say am fine
also when is lying for the greater good? sometimes it can be like hiding Jews in ww2 but what about this:
a teenage r brought up in strict family has issues with mental health to point of suicide and v unwell but because of parents Christ is faith they forbidden to see a counsellor or talk about their problems they go behind parents to get the help they need?
a wife has a husband who yells at her and punished her with violence fo r making mistakes like spending too much housekeeping money so she hides receipts ?
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